If I Could, I Would … Suspend the Laws of Nature! – with cognitive scientist Prof. Martin Fischer, Ph.D.
At least in the lab. My topic is “Embodied Cognition”. To understand it better, one of the things I would like to do is defy gravity. In the past, the …
“Now is the right time and this is the right place“ – In Potsdam’s cognitive sciences, researchers from different disciplines have been working together successfully for many years
The cognitive sciences deal with the information processing and structures of an intelligent system – be it humans or machines. In Potsdam, cognitive …
Early Detection at the Push of a Button – Prof. Natalie Boll-Avetisyan has developed a toy to indicate the risk of a language disorder
The teacher gives specific instructions: “When you have finished the exercise, pack the book, go to the shelf, and get a worksheet from the rack.” The …
Coffee with Dog – Milena Rabovsky analyzes language processing in the brain through neural networks and primarily relies on learning effects through prediction errors
Listen up: “The dog was bitten by the man.” – Got it? No? Good! When we read or hear something, our brain often already knows what will come next. …
Step by Step - Why Exercise Therapy Can Help Treat Depression
Sport not only keeps you fit but can also heal - both body and soul. The study STEP.De examines how exercise therapy can be used to treat depression. …