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Workshops UPtransition

Looking for good input? Diversity training & workshops
Picture: Career Service

The one-year qualification program UPtransition consists of a diversity training course and four workshops on professional orientation or qualification. You can choose from a wide range of events, seminars or training courses at the University of Potsdam, as long as they are related to the topics mentioned above. We will be happy to advise you individually to find suitable workshops for your profile. Here is a brief overview of exemplary offers:

May 15, 2024Crashkurs LebenslaufCareer Service
May 16, 2024Crashkurs MotivationsschreibenCareer Service
May 22, 2024Pitchtraining (EN)BPW and Potsdam Science Park
May 22 & 23, 2024Eco-Innovators. Transforming Ideas into Action (EN) Potsdam Transfer
May 23, 2024Bachelor und dann?Career Service and Central Student Advisory Service
May 28, 2024Application Training with Oracle (EN)Matching Day Satellite Event
May 29, 2024Unlock Your Potential: Master International Job Interviews with Aggelakakis & Associates (EN)Matching Day Satellite Event
June 4, 2024Konfliktmanagement meistern: Die Kunst der konstruktiven AuseinandersetzungCareer Service
June 5, 2024Perspektivveranstaltung PR & KommunikationCareer guidance for humanities graduates
June 5, 2024Karriere in der Industrie planen und selbst gestalten – Ein Workshop von ORAFOL Matching Day Satellite Event
June 6, 2024Well prepared for your application and interview in the IT sector – an input from SAP (EN)Matching Day Satellite Event
June 13, 2024“About me…” – Ideas for finding your own professional profile  (EN)Career Service
June 19, 2024Das eigene Kompetenzprofil definieren - Berufsorientierung für Geisteswissenschaftler:innen Career guidance for humanities graduates
June 20, 2024Das VorstellungsgesprächCareer Service
June 21, 2024Diversity Training (EN)UPtransition
July 3, 2024Diversity Training (EN)UPtransition
July 8, 2024How to apply in Germany (EN)Career Service
March 2025Career Week Colleges and universities in Berlin and Brandenburg


You can independently book seminars, training courses and workshops from university institutions for the qualification program. We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you individually in your search for suitable offers.

The events should be at least partially interactive (no lectures), relate to the topics of career orientation, professional qualification and diversity and last longer than 2 hours.

Career Service events generally meet these criteria, otherwise the following institutions regularly offer new events: