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Counseling skills are basic tools for future psychologists - next to diagnostics and therapy - and characterize the work profile of many practical working psychologists. Generally it can be said, that the counselor provides his knowledge and competences to another person, a group, or even an organization, so that this person (group, or organization), can successfully cope with her/his fears and problems. Also, counseling aims to place the person looking for help into a position, where she/he is able to find solutions for her/his problems by herself/himself. In order for this to happen, counseling offers detailed information for specific problems, as well as solutions, or strengthens the self-regulating potential of the person looking for help.

Hidden underneath the word 'counseling' are many different ways of working, as well as very specific goals and approaches, depending on the area of application. Nevertheless, the basic aspects of counseling are used in various areas: in the clinical-psychological sector, working with relatives of people with psychological disorders; in the educational-psychological area like in school counseling or educational counseling; in the field of organizational and personnel counseling, or lately also in the medical context (e.g. patient counseling and training concepts). The same basic skills are used every time, specified for the certain demands of each area of counseling.

The Counseling Group is concerned with research approaches in counseling psychology. How do problems appear? Which models of change relevant for counseling are being named? Additionally, basic skills in the work with patients are being imparted, mainly the ability of how to lead a conversation: How do I start a conversation with patients or clients? How do I deal with difficult situations (e.g. a lack of cooperation between two parties)? How can I as a psychologist, contribute to finding solutions to problems? The particular demands in the different work fields of counseling and the specifics of counseling are being developed by means of selected fields of counseling (school, educational counseling, and working with the chronically physical ill).

News from our department

We are pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Megan McClelland as a Mercator Fellow in our department from July 3 to July 31, 2024. Megan McClelland is Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Director of the Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children & Families at Oregon State University, and conducts research in the areas of child development, self-regulation, executive functioning, and social competence. We look forward to an intensive and long-term exchange within the FOR 5034 project.

Current studies

  • no current studies


We are looking for support for our team:

student assistants


  • no current internships



Current publications

Behrend, N., Webb, J. B., & Warschburger, P. (2023). Exploring the reciprocal associations between body appreciation, body image flexibility, and body acceptance by others in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Results from cross-lagged panel analyses among women and men. Body Image, 46, 139–151. DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2023.05.008

Göldel, J., Kamrath, C., Minden, K., Wiegand, S., Lanzinger, St., Sengler, C., Weihrauch-Blüher, S., Holl, R., Tittel, S. & Warschburger, P. (2023). Access to healthcare for children and adolescents with a chronic health condition during the COVID-19 pandemic: first results from the KICK-COVID Study in Germany. Children, 10, 10. DOI:10.3390/children10010010

Warschburger, P., & Behrend, N. (2023). Further evaluation of the psychometric properties of the German version of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2): Cross-validation, measurement invariance, and population-based norms. Body Image, 45, 105–116.

Warschburger, P., Gmeiner, M.S., Bondü, R., Klein, A.M., Busching, R. & Elsner, B. (2023). Self-regulation as a resource for coping with developmental challenges during middle childhood and adolescence - the prospective longitudinal PIERYOUTH-study. BMC Psychology, 11, 97. DOI: 10.1186/s40359-023-01140-3

Warschburger, P., Wortmann, H. R., Walter, L. P., Bergmann, M. M., & Gisch, U. A. (2023). Stability and longitudinal association between Body Mass Index and maladaptive eating behaviors in older adults: Results from the NutriAct Family Study (NFS). Eating Behaviors, 101778. DOI: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2023.101778

Wortmann, H. R., Gisch, U. A., Bergmann, M. M. & Warschburger, P. (2023). Exploring the longitudinal stability of food neophilia and dietary quality and their prospective relationship in older adults: A cross-lagged panel analysis. Nutrients, 15, 1248. DOI:10.3390/nu15051248