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Institute Council

The Institute Council decides on questions of academic self-administration and prepares draft resolutions for the Faculty Council. The Institute Council may set up temporary committees to work out delimited tasks and work orders.

Members of the Institute Council

status groupdeputy
- Nina Brendel (GL)
- Bertrand Fournier
- Oliver Korup (stellv. GL)
- Manfred Rolfes
- Thorsten Wagener
- Ulrike Herzschuh (AuFI)
- Sascha Oswald
- Stefan Norra
- Gunnar Lischeid (AuFI)
Academic Staff:
- Philip Bubeck
- Pola Serwene
- Lisa Köhler
- Karen Lebek
- Josephine Bagola
- Maximilian Dietze
- Karoline Kny
- Alina Nahrstedt
Technical Staff:
- Ute Dolezal

- Irene Hahn