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Seminar Theoretical Chemistry

The seminar typically takes place on Wednesday from 14:15 till 15:45 in room D.1.02.

It is a seminar for the workgroup, but all interested people, PhD students and other students are invited.
For questions please contact Evgenii Titov:

Seminar Winter 2023/2024

Date Time, Room Speaker, Affiliation Title
15.11.2023 14:15, D.1.02 Dr. Evgenii Titov (UP) Exciton Dynamics in Azobenzene Aggregates
29.11.2023 14:15, D.1.02 Dr. Christopher Penschke (UP) Nickel bromide on gold: Magnetism and other problems
20.12.2023 14:15, D.1.02 Dr. Giacomo Melani (CNR-ICCOM, Pisa) First-principles simulations of surfaces & interfaces for catalysis: From solar water splitting to methanol decomposition
24.01.2024 14:15, D.1.02 Dr. Vanessa J. Bukas (FHI) Questions of selectivity in electrocatalysis
31.01.2024 13:45, D.1.02 Dr. Felix Witte (FUB) (i) High-dipole organic chromophores: Monomers to aggregates to the solid state and (ii) A career in science management
07.02.2024 14:15, D.1.02 Alkit Beqiraj (UP) Ab initio thermodynamic model for nanoparticles
14.02.2024 14:15, B.2.01 Dr. Jonathan Mannouch (MPI Hamburg) A mapping approach to surface hopping
21.02.2024 14:15, F.0.15 Prof. Dr. Christoph Bannwarth (RWTH Aachen) Simulation of photophysical processes in (large) molecules and data-driven computational chemistry aided by low-cost electronic structure theory
22.02.2024 14:15, F.0.15 Lydia Fichte (Uni Tübingen) Treatment of spinful fermions with the multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree method for indistinguishable particles (MCTDH-X)
06.03.2024 14:15, D.1.02 Jan Syska (UP) A Quantum Chemistry Approach to Linear Vibro-Polaritonic Infrared Spectra with Perturbative Electron-Photon Correlation
19.03.2024 (Tuesday) 14:15, D.1.02 Sonja Kirchner (UP) Master's defence: VUV-induced dissociative photoionization of azobenzene
04.04.2024 (Thursday) 14:15, D.1.02 Loíse Attal (Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France) A system-bath model to address the quantum vibrational dynamics of complex or interacting molecular systems