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Welcome to the official website of the Student Election Committee (StWA) of the University of Potsdam.

We organize the elections for the Student Parliament (StuPa) and ballot votes.

Election results

The election results of the Student Parliament Election 2024 have been published and can be viewed here.

About the Student Election Committee

The Student Election Committee for the office period 2024/25 consists of:

  • Cedric Zoschke (Chairman)
  • Felix Koch (Deputy Chairman)
  • Jonathan Weth
  • Konrad Nareike
  • Sukashree Suresh Kumar

Legal principles

The StWA is a committee of the student self-administration. Its legal framework is provided by Section V. of the Satzung der Studierendenschaft der Universität Potsdam (available in German only). Its main task is to organize and conduct the elections of the student parliament. In doing so he is subject to the Rahmenwahlordnung der Studierendenschaft der Universität Potsdam (available in German only).