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News from Potsdam Transfer

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Sieben Personen vor beleuchteter Leinwand mit der Aufschrift Science Slam

Congratulations to Amitabh Banerji, Winner of the Big Science Slam

For the first time, it was not students but lecturers from the University of Potsdam who rocked the big stage of the Waschhaus Arena at the Science …
Sieben Personen auf einer Bühne vor einer Leinwand

Clear the stage! Lecturers from the University of Potsdam compete in the Science Slam at the Waschhaus on 15 November

"I drink my coffee with milk and dog," claims Milena Rabovsky at the next Science Slam at the University of Potsdam, which will take place on 15 …
Drei Männer und eine Frau vor Tafel und Leinwand mit Blumen, Geschenken und Urkunde in den Händen

Award ceremony at the University of Potsdam

We are pleased to announce the winners of this year's award ceremony for the promotion of knowledge and technology transfer at the University of …
Minimal geöffnetes Glasfenster mit Klebefolie in Blau und Aufschrift Potsdam Transfer

PROJECT - Reaching the goal with the support of Potsdam Transfer

Potsdam Transfer's transfer service strives to facilitate external and internal cooperation and to strengthen the collaboration between the university …
5 Männer vor einer Pumpenanlage im Grünen

Science meets market: Potsdam Transfer visits the Nedlitz waterworks with researchers from the University of Potsdam

On May 23, 2023, researchers from various working groups of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences visited the Nedlitz waterworks of Energie- …
Besucher am Stamd von Potsdam Transfer bei der Auftaktveranstaltung der EU-Strukturfonds

Potsdam Transfer in exchange with business promoters, project sponsors, partners at the kick-off event of the Brandenburg EU structural funds

"Fit for change - strengthen competencies, create perspectives" - this was the motto of the joint kick-off event of the ERDF, JTF and ESF+ on 24th May …

Brandenburg science in the spotlight again: The 2nd Brandenburg Science Slam

After the great success of the 1st Brandenburg Science Slam last year, Potsdam Transfer is once again sending students and researchers from the …