Dean of Studies
The Advisor for Teaching and Studies provides support to the Dean of Studies.
Tasks of the Dean of Studies
The Dean of Studies supports the Dean in all matters regarding studies and teaching. The Basic Constitution enumerates the following responsibilities: the organization of studies and testing, the coordination of studies and teaching, ensuring a broad range of courses, and the coordination of student advising. Furthermore, the Dean of Studies reports on an annual basis about the further development of programs of studies, modules, and classes (link to further development). The Dean of Studies must listen and provide information in all of these areas.
The Dean of Studies heads up the Commission for Teaching and Studies on the Faculty Council of the Faculty of the Arts (Faculty CTS) and is a member of the Commission for Teaching and Studies in the Senate (Senate CTS). The Faculty Council selects the Dean of Studies based on a recommendation from the students.
For more information, see Article 22 of the Basic Constitution and the Statute for Conducting Evaluations of Teaching and Studies in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Potsdam.

Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. Monika Fenn
Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 11, Room 1.Z.11
Tasks of the Advisor for Teaching and Studies
The Advisor for Teaching and Studies is the central contact person for all questions regarding the planning and further development of courses of study, accreditation, and quality development measures in teaching and studies. The Advisor provides assistance to those persons on the Faculty who are responsible for studies and teaching, and supports the Dean of Studies, the CTS, and the study commissions in the establishment, further development, and accreditation of courses of study. The Advisor also provides the documents and evaluations that are necessary for this process, especially as this pertains to monitoring courses of study.
For more information, see Article 3 of the Statute for Conducting Evaluations of Teaching and Studies in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Potsdam.

Advisor for Study and Teaching
Michael Herrmann M.A.
Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 11, Room 2.23