Syntax, Morphology & Variability
Research Focus
The syntax-morphology division of Potsdam linguistics studies the structural side of grammar from a comparative perspective. Our research aims at documenting and understanding the grammatical variation between the world's languages in the area of sentence and word structure, as well as at explaining the (non-)attested patterns in formal models of grammar (generative paradigm). Our overall goal is to gain a better understanding of the sources of variability in language and, as a result, of the architecture of grammar. To this end, we combine new experimental approaches in syntax research with large scale cross-linguistic comparisons.
Name | Tel | Room | ||
Rebecca Ponick Secretary | 0331/977-2016 | II.14.2.17 | | |
Dr. Andreas Pregla (né Schmidt) | 0331/977-2734 | II.14.3.29 | andrea06uuni-potsdampde | |
Dr. Mariia Privizentseva | 0331-977-213827 | II.14.3.29 | mariia.privizentsevauuni-potsdampde |
Third Party Funded Staff
Name | Tel | Room | ||
Dr. Andreas Hölzl | 0331/977-2051 | II.14.3.20 | andreas.hoelzluuni-potsdampde |

Prof. Dr. Martin Salzmann
Name | Tel | Room | ||
Julia Neumann Secretary | 0331/977-2263 | II.14.2.17 | julia.neumannuuni-potsdampde | |
Dr. Aron Finholt | 0331/977- | II.14.3.10 | aron.finholtuuni-potsdampde | |
Dr. Stanislao Zompì | 0331/977-6126 | II.14.3.09 | stanislao.zompiuuni-potsdampde |
Third Party Funded Staff
Name | Tel | Room | ||
Timea Szarvas | 0331/977- 2241 | II.14.3.40 | timea.szarvasuuni-potsdampde | |
Andrew Murphy Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow | II.14.3.30 | andrew.murphyuuni-potsdampde |

Prof. Dr. Doreen Georgi
Variation and variability in morphosyntactic / morphological systems