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Junior research group for movement ecology and statistical ecology

In our team we research animal movement and space-use strategies and how these affect individual fitness, population dynamics and community composition. To scale up from the behaviour of individuals to the much higher level of population and community dynamics, we combine empirical research (tracking of animals in the field and analyis of tracking data) with theory via mathematical and computer-simulation modelling.

Another objective of our work is to develop and improve statistical methods in ecology. Driven by our ecological research, a key topic is the statistical analysis of spatiotemporal data of animal localizations. We aim to (i) make analyses more robust against effects of potentially false assumptions or simply pragmatic methodological choices, (ii) come up with ways to draw more information from animal tracking data.

Logo DFG Emmy Noether Programm
Photo: DFG

Our group is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Logo DFG Emmy Noether Programm
Photo: DFG