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Photo: Thomas Roese

Did you know that we spend an average of 80,000 hours of our working lives sitting? Office workers sit on average 9.6 hours per day at work, on the road and at home, spending 48 hours per week, 192 hours per month and an incredible 2,304 hours per year in one of the most unhealthy positions of all.

"Sitting is the smoking of our generation" Harvard Business Review

The so-called "sedentary lifestyle" (lack of movement) often causes your neck, shoulders and entire back to tense up and can also negatively affect your performance.

To counter this, the Academic Sports Center has come up with something very special: an active break for the university's employees - the break express!

This health-oriented course offer provides the opportunity to interrupt your working hours for 15 minutes and actively move. Under the instruction of qualified trainers, mobilisation, strengthening and relaxation exercises are performed that will help you to switch off from the stressful daily work routine and experience active relaxation.

There is no need to change clothes or move to a different location. Our Pausenexpress trainer team comes directly to your office once or, on request, twice a week.

Thanks to the support of the university management, the offer may take place once a week during working hours.

Give your body and mind a rest with the Pausenxpress!