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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Dr. Miriam Vock

Enormous gains – Eight years ago, Miriam Vock initiated Germany’s first qualification program for refugee teachers

How would I feel if I had to flee with my child from war and persecution to a foreign country, a country whose culture I don't know and whose language …
Reservoir „Sierra Boyera“ in Córdoba (southern Spain) with intake tower. Usual water levels almost reach the top of the tower. Because of dehydration and low water level, a pipe system connects the intake tower with the closest water body in the photo.

Hydrologic models and climate change – Humboldt Fellow Patricio Yeste guest at the University of Potsdam

The research of Dr. Patricio Yeste involves the application of hydrologic models and the analysis of climate change impacts on water resources. Since …
Different social media buttons on a smartphone display.

Future Prospects – “SoMe4Dem” And How Social Media Can Damage or Strengthen Democracy

Fake news, manipulation, and opinion mongering – social media has made it easy to blur the lines between facts and opinions and influence public …

“It Is Extremely Important for Historians to See Such Sources with Their Own Eyes” – Why Potsdam Students Are Excavating a Roman Villa in Spain

Students studying history or classical philology at the University of Potsdam usually learn about archaeological excavations from books, films, or …
Humboldt expert Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ette

Land of Longing – Romance scholar Ottmar Ette takes Humboldt to China – to a place that the natural and cultural scientist never traveled to himself

Ottmar Ette is freezing; he walked through the snow-covered Sanssouci Park to the university. "I've just come back from Cuba, where we had 31 degrees …
A new exhibition organized by UP students shows 30 pictures from the Revolution of Dignity 2013/14 in Ukraine.

A Fight for Freedom of Opinion and Independence – Students Develop an Exhibition on Ukraine's Recent History

A small red house called "Slowo" is embroidered with red thread on Danylo Poliluev-Schmidt's black shirt. The vyshyvanka worn by the student picks up …
Schriftzug an ein einer Schulwand

Let’s go to Ghana! - Day 12/13: Between school and the presidential palace

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 12: Insights into the culture Today, for some of us, the day starts just like at home - at school. We are given a private tour of the Apple …
The participants of the workshop for young geoscientists

Geoscientific Cooperation with India Strengthened – Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher at the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology

A workshop for young geoscientists took place at the foot of the Himalayas in Dehra Dun from November 25 to December 1, 2023, funded and co-organized …
The Memorial Wall of Return at the Ancestral Slave River Site

Let’s go to Ghana! – Days 10/11: First impressions in Kumasi

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 10: Drive to Kumasi and visit to the Ancestral Slave River Site in Assin Manso After another five eventful days, we leave our accommodation in …
Logo federal government of Brandenburg

Funded: Five Outstanding Postdocs at the University of Potsdam

The federal government of Brandenburg honors nine outstanding post-doctoral researchers. The national and international top level researchers are …