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WIPCAD doctoral fellows present at German junior public administration researchers’ conference, 11 February 2016, Hannover

On 11 February 2016, WIPCAD PhD fellows Ina Radtke and Basanta Thapa, along with associated PhD fellows Jana Bertels and Lena Schulze-Gabrechten, presented their work at the FoJuS annual conference. FoJuS (Forum Junge Staats-, Verwaltungs- und Policyforschung) is the junior researchers’ association within the section „Policy Analysis and Public Administration Research“ of the German Political Science Association (DVPW).

This year’s FoJuS conference, hosted by the Leibniz Universität Hannover, dealt with the topic „Politics and Public Administration – Divergence and Convergence under Exogenous Pressures for Change“. The WIPCAD fellows presented work from their ongoing doctoral dissertations. Ina Radtke talked about „ National immigration agencies striving for legitimacy - The case of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees “, while Basanta Thapa explored the „Knowledge political effects of Big Data Analytics in the politico-administrative system“. Jana Bertels and Lena Schulze-Gabrechten spoke on „Structural changes in the German federal ministries – a sectoral explanation“, based on preliminary results from the SOG-PRO project.

At the elections for the FoJuS speaker team, Ina Radtke successfully ran for spokeswoman of FoJuS and will serve a three-year term. In accordance with FoJuS tradition, the next FoJuS annual conference will therefore be hosted at the University of Potsdam in February 2017.

Ina Radtke & Basanta Thapa