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WASS: WASCAL Science Symposium

The WASCAL 2022 Science Symposium brings together scientists, policymakers, and key stakeholders to share knowledge on advances and innovation in combating climate change and improving livelihoods. The main goal of this year’s symposium is to showcase the research and innovation in the different thematic areas of the current WASCAL WRAP 2.0 projects. Beyond that, it aims at customizing and integrating climate services to policymakers, fostering science and policy dialogues for a multi-stakeholder framework on adaptation, mitigation, and climate finance among the ECOWAS sub-region while promoting SMEs, NGOs, and other institutions advancing the cause of climate action, technology & innovation in Africa.

Our project will participate with two interesting oral presentations from two of our PhD students:

Speaker: Valaire Séraphin Ouehoudja YARO (UJKZ, Burkina Faso)
Thur, 8 Dec at 9:00 am (GMT): How do land use changes affect carbon sequestration in the Sudano-Sahelian climate zone of Burkina Faso?
Speaker: Christian P. BOUGMA (UJKZ, Burkina Faso)
Fri, 9 Dec at 12:30 pm (GMT): Carbon emissions from open burning of agricultural biomass during field preparation in Burkina Faso (West Africa)

West African scientists to meet in Ouagadougou: Wascal Science Symposium