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Science2Go - Targenomix: Integrative Systems Biology For Mode of Action Elucidation

Targenomix is inspired by the pressing need to increase crop productivity to meet

current environmental challenges. At Targenomix we set out to harness cutting edge

scientific research to accelerate smart product development for our customers.

Our highly dynamic start-up combines key disciplines to implement an integrative

systems biology approach. In a strong partnership with the industry leader Bayer

CropScience and the Max Planck Society, Targenomix delivers the mode of action identification of bioactive small molecules.

About Sience2Go:

Science2Go is an informal lecture series presenting scientific research currently being conducted at the Potsdam Science Park. These lectures are intended for researchers and staff or local individuals interested in learning about what is going on at the Park. Come on over and gain insight into various research topics and neighbouring institutes.

We offer a free lunch bag upon registration.


Dr. Marc Lohse

Registration and Costs


Event Type


Subject Field

Wissens- und Technologietransfer


Weitere Einrichtungen


27.08.2020, 12:00
27.08.2020, 13:00


Standortmanagement Golm GmbH


GOIN - Golm Innovationszentrum
Am Mühlenberg 11
14476 Potsdam Golm


Jana Dotzek
Am Mühlenberg 11
14476 Potsdam Golm

Phone: 0331 237 351 102