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International virtual teaching cooperations form a central component of internationalizing studies and teaching. They offer the opportunity to gain international study and teaching experience, an increasingly important attribut in a globalized society, even beyond stays abroad and to use the diverse potential of intercultural and interdisciplinary exchange for academic (further) education.  

Cooperative teaching projects can be implemented in all disciplines and beyond, despite subject diversity and differences, by using an increasingly broad range of digital communication and cooperation tools. Scenarios and formats, methods and tools can be adapted variably and precisely depending on the level of experience of the teachers and students as well as the goals pursued. Thus, professional, and cultural reflection, the further development of foreign language skills as well as international networking become possible for all participants.

Information on basics, planning steps, tools, and methods  

In this section you will find a basic overview of COIL scenarios and the central aspects that characterize them. This includes a variety of practical examples of teaching cooperations already carried out at the UP, important information on the essential planning and implementation steps as well as suggestions for the use of selected methods and tools. In addition, we will show you how to find suitable cooperation partners. With this information and our consulting services, we would like to support you in the best possible way in designing your COIL project.