Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Philosophie

Dr. Moran Godess-Riccitelli
Independent Research Fellow at the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy
consulting hours
nach Vereinbarung
Research Areas
Areas of Specialization: Kant, Aesthetics, Moral Philosophy
Areas of Competence: Modern Philosophy (esp. 18th Century), German Idealism, Philosophy of Imagination, Moral Theology
Academic Appointments
- 2020-2021 Post-doctorate research fellow of the Tel-Aviv University & University of Potsdam Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Potsdam (Germany)
- 2017-2020 Post-doctorate research fellow of Minerva Stiftung, University of Potsdam (Germany)
- 2017-2018 Post-doctorate research fellow of the Tel-Aviv University & University of Potsdam Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship, (withdrawn due to multiple fellowships), University of Potsdam (Germany)
- 2016-2017 Research Assistant for Prof. Eli Friedlander, Department of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
2008-2016 PhD, Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
Dissertation Title: “Imagination and the Moral Dimension: On the Productive Functions of the Power of Imagination in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant”, (Supervisor: Eli Friedlander)
2003-2007 MA,summa cum laude, Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
Thesis Title: “Reading in the Philosophical Text as a Moral Action: On Stanley Cavell’s Moral Perfectionism”, (Supervisor: Eli Friedlander)
2000-2002 BA, magna cum laude, Philosophy; General and Interdisciplinary Studies, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
Doctoral Dissertation
1. Imagination and the Moral Dimension: On the Productive Functions of the Power of Imagination in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant (Tel-Aviv University, 2017).
Journal Articles (* peer-reviewed)
2. “The Language of Ciphers in Kant’s Third Critique: How to Represent Natural Beauty as Meaningful?”, in: Con-Textos Kantianos: International Journal of Philosophy, No. 12, December 2020, ISSN: 2386-7655 (2020), pp. 338-357. *
3. “The Nature of Moral Faith:From Natural Beauty to Ethico-Theology in Kant’s Third Critique”, in: Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (RPF), Edited by António Costa, Vol. 75, no. 1 (April 2019), Braga: Axioma - Publicacções da Faculdade de Filosofia, DOI doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2019_75_1_0117 (2019), pp. 117-144. *
4 . “From Natural Beauty to Moral Theology: Aesthetic Experience, Moral Ideal, and God in Immanuel Kant’s Third Critique”, in: Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics (ISSN: 1664-5278), Edited by Fabian Dorsch and Dan-Eugen Ratiu, Vol. 11, 2019, Published by the European Society for Aesthetics, pp. 319-338.
5. “The Final End of Imagination - On the Relationship between Moral Ideal and Reflectivity in Immanuel Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment”, in: Filosofia Unisinos: Unisinos Journal of Philosophy (ISSN: 1984-8234), Edited by Adriano de Brito, Vol. 18, no. 2 (May/August 2017), São Leopoldo: Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, DOI dx.doi.org/10.4013/fsu.2017.182.05 (2017), pp. 107-115. *
6 . “The Aesthetic Dimension of Moral Faith: On the Connection between Aesthetic Experience of Nature and the Moral Proof of God in Kant’s ThirdCritique”, in: Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics (ISSN: 1664-5278), Edited by Fabian Dorsch and Dan-Eugen Ratiu, Vol. 9, 2017, Published by the European Society for Aesthetics (2017), pp. 202-218.
7. “Representing an Object (Even) Without its Presence: On the Function of the Power of Imagination in the Critique of Pure Reason”, in: Iyyun the Jerusalem Philosophical Quarter, Volume 62, 2013, Published by the S.H. Bergman Center for Philosophical Studies, the Faculty of Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2013), pp. 362-369 [in Hebrew].
Book Chapters
8. “The Problem of the Highest Good: An Aesthetic Outlook”, in: The Court of Reason (Proceedings of the XIII. International Kant-Congress), edited by Camilla Serck-Hanssen and Beatrix Himmelmann. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter (forthcoming)
Book Reviews
9. “Michel Chaouli, Thinking with Kant’s Critique of Judgment, Harvard University Press, 2017 Pp. xiii + 312 ISBN 9780674971363”, in: Kantian Review, Vol. 25 no.2, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 313-317.
10. “Joseph J. Tinguely, Kant and the Reorientation of Aesthetics: Finding the World, Routledge, 2018, 1 + 233 ISBN 9781138081970”, in: SGIR (Society for German Idealism and Romanticism) Review (ISSN: 2577-0233), Vol. 2, no. 2, 2019, Published by the SGIR Review, New York City: NY (2019), pp. 126-140.
A. “The Language of Aesthetics: Meier, Kant, Hegel” (in process).
Articles in Preparation
B. “The Moral Expression of Beauty: Rethinking the Relationship between Aesthetics and Morality in Kant’s Third Critique”
C. The Figurative Language of Nature: How to Represent Natural Beauty as Meaningful?
D. Can Kant's Aesthetics have a Doctrine of Methods? An Implicit Answer
Fellowships & Research Grants
- 2020: TAU-Potsdam Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Potsdam (Germany)
- 2017: Minerva Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Potsdam, The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (Germany)
- 2017: TAU-Potsdam Joint Postdoctoral FellowshipVisiting Scholar at Potsdam University (withdrawn due to multiple fellowships), (Germany)
- 2015: The Philosophy Foundation Switzerland-Israel for outstanding PhD students, Research Grant (KKL-JNF), (Switzerland/Israel)
- 2011: “Kant and his World” 4-year Research Grant, Yad Hanadiv, Israel Science Foundation, Ben-Gurion University, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
- 2008: President-Rector Scholarship for outstanding PhD students, 4-year Scholarship, Faculty of Humanities, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
- 2010: The Orgler Fellowship for Excellent Doctoral Students in the Humanities, Tel-Aviv University (Candidate on behalf the School of Philosophy, TAU) (Israel)
- 2010: The Rotenstreich Fellowship for Excellent Doctoral Students in the Humanities, Israeli Council for Higher Education (Candidate on behalf the School of Philosophy, TAU) (Israel)
- 2003: Scholarship for outstanding MA students, 4-year Scholarship, Department of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
Research Activity & Professional Service
Refereeing for Academic Conferences and Projects
- 2021 Israeli Philosophy Association - Referee for the annual conference, Israel Science Foundation - Research Project Reviewer
Research Project Member
- 2017-present GIF (German Israeli Foundation) - Research Project member, Tel-Aviv University, University of Potsdam (Germany)
- 2011-2015 “Kant and his World” - Research Project Member, Yad Hanadiv, Israel Science Foundation, Ben-Gurion University, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
- American Philosophical Association, The Pacific Division, University of Delaware (USA)
- The European Society for Aesthetics, University of Fribourg, (Switzerland)
- German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development, (Germany)
- International Network of Women Philosophers, Sponsored by UNESCO
- Israel Philosophy Association, (Israel)
- The Society for German Idealism & Romanticism, University of South Carolina, Columbia, (USA)
Organization of Academic Events
- Organization of the conference Language and Aesthetic Judgment in Kant,(with Johannes Haag), University of Potsdam (Germany) (5-6 Jul. 2021)
- Organization of the workshop Limiting Concepts in Kant and German Idealism, (with Johannes Haag), University of Potsdam (Germany) (1-2 Jul. 2019)
- Organization of the International Symposium Moral Imagination, (with Eli Friedlander), Tel-Aviv University (Israel) (3-4 June 2015)
Lecture Courses Tel-Aviv University)
- 2015 – Fall: “Moral Imagination in 17th-18th Century Philosophy”
- 2014 – Spring: “Philosophy of Imagination: From Ancient Greek to Romanticism”
- 2014 – Fall: “Philosophy of Imagination: From Ancient Greek to Romanticism”
- 2013 – Spring: “Critique of the Power of Imagination: German Idealism and Romanticism”
- 2012 – Fall: “Critique of the Power of Imagination: German Idealism and Romanticism”
Undergraduate Teaching (Tel-Aviv University)
- 2009–2011: “Guiding Reading C” - Plato and Kant
- 2006–2008: “Guiding Reading A” - Descartes
Invited Talks and Selected Conference Papers
- “The Moral Expression of Beauty: Rethinking the Relationship between Aesthetics and Morality in Kant’s Third Critique”, Conference: “Language and Aesthetic Judgment in Kant”, Speaker and Organizer (with Johannes Haag), University of Potsdam (Germany)
- “Nature’s Wink and Reason’s Ahnung: Kant’s Terminology of Ciphers in the Critique of Judgment”, Workshop: „Metaphern, Symbole und Analogien in Kants kritischen Schriften”, LMU München (Germany)
- “The Language of Ciphers in Kant’s Third Critique: Towards Moral Theology”, Conference: “The Translation of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Translation”, Invited Speaker, University of Potsdam (Germany)
- “The Possibility of the Highest Good: An Aesthetic Outlook”, The 13th International Kant Congress, University of Oslo (Norway)
- “Beauty Between Limiting Concepts in Kant’s Third Critique”, “Limiting Concepts in Kant and German Idealism” Workshop, Speaker and Organizer (with Johannes Haag), University of Potsdam (Germany)
- “From Natural Beauty to Moral Theology”, European Society for Aesthetics (ESA) Annual Conference, University of Warsaw (Poland)
- “Author Meets Critic: Kant and the Reorientation of Aesthetics: Finding the World by Joseph J. Tinguely”, American Philosophical Association (APA) Pacific, Invited Speaker, Vancouver (Canada)
- “Imagination, Moral Ideal, and God in Kant’s Third Critique: From Aesthetic to Theology”, “A Hidden Art: Kant and Fichte on the Imagination” Conference, Invited Speaker, University of Leuven (Belgium)
- From an Aesthetic View on Natural Beauty to a Theological Perspective on Nature, “The Insides of Nature: Causalities, Causal Processes and Conceptions of Nature Borders”, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Braga (Portugal)
- “God and Sensibility - On the Relationship between Aesthetic Experience and Moral Faith in Immanuel Kant's Third Critique”, Religion and Aesthetics Conference, University of Nottingham (England)
- “The Aesthetic Dimension of Moral Faith - On the Connection between Aesthetic Experience of Nature and the Moral Proof of God in Kant’s Third Critique”, European Society for Aesthetics (ESA) Annual Conference, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
- “The Aesthetic Dimension of Moral Faith”, 17th annual conference of the Israeli Philosophy Association, Ben-Gurion University (Israel)
- “The Final End of Imagination”, First annual conference of the SGIR (Society for German Idealism & Romanticism), University of Chicago (USA)
- “The Final End of Imagination - On the Connection between the Moral Ideal and Reflective Judgment in Kant's Third Critique”, “Moral Imagination: An International Symposium”, Speaker and Organizer (with Eli Friedlander), Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
- “Imagination and the Moral Ideal”, “Immanuel Kant: Symposium for PhD students”, Invited Speaker, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
- “Authentic Imagination – On the Reflective Judgment of the Beautiful as a Paradigm of ‘Authenticity”, 11th annual conference of the Department of History and Theory
- Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design & Van-Leer Institute, Jerusalem (Israel)
- “Typic instead of Schematization – On the Necessity of the Power of Imagination to Moral Judgments”, 17th annual conference of the Israeli Philosophy Association, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
- “Representing an Object (Even) Without its Presence – On the Function of the Power of Imagination in the Critique of Pure Reason”, Colloquium in honor of Yirmiyahu Yovel and his new Hebrew translation for the Critique of Pure Reason, Invited Speaker,Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
- “Imagination as a Moral Authority”, Authority: Symposium, Hamidrasha at Beit Berl College (Israel)
- “The Power of Imagination in the Early Modern Period”, “Imagination: An International Conference”, The ISCC and the CNRS, Paris (France)
- “Imagination”, the 4th Lexical Conference on Political Thought, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
- “Imagination within the Limits of Good Taste”, The annual conference of Philosophy department, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)