International Graduate Summer School 2019
Conceptual, theoretical and methodological advances in exercise motivation research: Automaticity and affect
General information and aims
The international graduate summer school Conceptual, theoretical and methodological advances in exercise motivation research: Automaticity and affect is aimed at excellent young researchers with a Master Degree and Post-Docs with specific research experience, from all over the world. Participation is free of charge, but only by invitation after application. Applicants from the United States have the opportunity to apply for scholarships (travel and accommodation) of up to 1,350 USD (p.p.).
How does exercise make people feel?
In the past few years, researchers have increasingly recognized (and demonstrated empirically) that the pandemic of physical inactivity, behavior change, and exercise motivation cannot be sufficiently understood without addressing the affective and automatic bases of behavior.
The primary aim of this summer school is to provide young scholars in exercise psychology with conceptual and methodological "know-how" that will enable them to thrive as researchers, teachers, and clinicians in the next, "post-cognitivist" phase that our field is entering.
- Fees:
Free of charge when successfully completed application procedure - Timeframe:
July 9 to 13, 2019 - Application Deadline:
EXPIRED for 2019! - Target:
Excellent young researchers with a Master Degree and Post-Docs with specific research experience, from the U.S.A, Canada, Australia, Spain, England, Israel, Czech Republic, Italy and Germany. - Location:
Historic campus Am Neuen Palais including UP Sport & Exercise Psychology labs & offices
Learning activities and goals
- impulse and brief overview lectures by the three international mentors,
- moderated group discussions,
- hands-on demonstrations of innovative tools, methods and research designs,
- extensive personal coaching,
- many opportunities for in-depth discussion with the mentors (as well as with the other participants),
- illustration of possibilities for young researchers to contribute their own ideas to this seminal field of research
As a result, ideas and plans for internationally coordinated research collaborations will be developed which, in particular, will address the specific research interests of the participants.
Prof. Dr.
„I am very much looking forward to mentor this summer course with P. Ekkekakis (USA), B. Cheval (Switzerland) and F. Antoniewicz (Germany)!“
Information & Application
- Application deadline ends: March 31, 2019 (12:00 p.m., CET)
- Notification of acceptance: April 14, 2019
- Date of the Summer School: July 9 to 13, 2019
- 15th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology (FEPSAC; Münster, GER): July 15 to 20, 2019
For more information please visit the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Psycology website HERE!