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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Dr. Julia Brennecke

Fast Lane to Success Thanks to Mentoring – Julia Brennecke supports start-up teams of Potsdam Transfer at the University of Potsdam

Doing research and starting a business – do they go together? If you ask start-up consultant Ole Korn about the success rate of Potsdam Transfer’s …
European flag

How Much of Europe Is in Our Everyday Lives? – Andrea Liese, Christian Rauh, and Thomas Sommerer about international organizations

Whether it involves vaccination cards, donation programs, climate protection, or the free movement of goods, cross-border activities would be almost …
Auf dem Foto ist Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Marco Caliendo zu sehen. Das Foto ist von Sandra Scholz.

In the Name of Evidence – The Center for Economic Policy Analysis (CEPA) pools empirical economic research

What are the most effective ways for policy makers to regulate the labor market? Does government aid during the Corona pandemic reach those who really …
The corona pandemic has already become a global economic crisis. | Photo: AdobeStock/OSORIOartist

Getting out of the crisis – Prof. Dr. Maik Heinemann on the economic effects of the corona pandemic

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

Immense financial losses, production downtimes and layoffs – the coronavirus is putting an enormous burden on the economy. How the markets will cope …
Rather stock market than housing market. Photo: AdobeStock/

Are Cities the New Stock Markets? – Gentrification between Upgrading and Financialization

A few short years ago, everything seemed to be fine in the urban world. Apartments served their purpose as homes at prices more or less matched to …