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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Dr. Doreen Georgi

Researching Limits to Recognize Possibilities – The Collaborative Research Center 1287 investigates the “variability of language”

Undoubtedly, language is one of the most versatile tools used by humans. This is because of its variability, which manifests across all levels – from …
Patrizia Boi, Studentin der Universität Cagliari, war mit einem EDUC-SHARE Internship in Potsdam.

From Cagliari to Potsdam and the Internet - Master's Student Patrizia Boi Comes to the University of Potsdam with an EDUC scholarship


For Patrizia Boi, EDUC is a stroke of luck and has long been more than just an acronym. Thanks to the European University Alliance, which is led by …
Participants of the Sustainable Development Academy“ (SDA) 2022.

Living sustainably, but how? - Third International Summer School on Sustainability at the University of Potsdam

What will the earth look like in the future? How can we live so that future generations will still be able to make the earth their home? For the third …
Illustration: blauer Regenschirm

Recognizing dangers during floods and droughts: Science looks at risks of extreme events

Masses of water pushing mud and piling up debris. Idyllic streams that turn into raging rivers within just a few hours, burying bridges, houses, and …
African antelopes seeking for shady places during phases of extreme heat

Keeping cool – how African antelopes respond to the climate crisis

The climate crisis is turning the temperature up all over the world, but in southern Africa, the rise has been particularly concerning. Scientists …
Delegation of the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) with the President of the University of Potsdam, Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D. (5th from right), and the Vice President for International Affairs and Fundraising, as well as the President's Representative for the European Digital UniverCity - EDUC, Prof. Dr. Florian J. Schweigert (at left).

Building Strong Alliances - EDUC and YERUN partners from Norway visit Potsdam

Representatives of the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) visited the University of Potsdam on June 5-6, 2023. The two universities are doubly …
Illustration ökologischer Prozesse

“We need a more complex picture of ecological processes.” – Why a paradigm shift towards an individual-based ecology is necessary

The world is in crisis. But not only climate change is alarming researchers; the biodiversity crisis has also assumed threatening proportions. There …
Der botsuanische Bodenwissenschaftler Prof. Peter Eze sitzt am Schreibtisch an seinem Laptop.

“Soils build the basis for existence of lives on our planet” – Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Batswana soil scientist Peter Eze

Peter N. Eze is a soil scientist and professor at the Botswana International University of Science & Technology. His research centers on pure and …
Besuch einer Basic School in Winneba

Cooperation with Ghana – Shared Projects for the Internationalization of Teacher Education

In December, the Faculty of Arts and the Center for Teacher Training and Education Research (ZeLB) at the University of Potsdam signed a memorandum of …
2013 flood on the Elbe near Dessau-Rosslau.

Natural flood prevention – higher trust through better communication

In many places today, dikes are being moved back, and floodplains are being revitalised in order to give the river more space during times of …