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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert. Foto: HPI/Kay Herschelmann

And all for One - Christoph Lippert explains how data from millions of people can help the individual patient

The assistant is looking apprehensively into the diary. “The meeting is delayed,” she says. “And the next appointment begins in an hour.” In between, …
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schaub. Photo: Thomas Roese.

The Universal Problem Solver – “AI Made in Potsdam” on its Triumphal Procession around the World

People have always had to solve tricky problems. But with the accumulation of more and more data, new challenges have emerged that are often too …
Graphic: Andreas Töpfer

“Alexa, are you intelligent?” – Artificial Intelligence and What We Need It For

When you ask e-commerce giant Amazon’s virtual assistant about its intelligence, you will hear, “Yes, I think, therefore I am.” Alexa has learned …
Jonas Enderlein. Photo: Tilo Bergemann.

Navigating the Startup Jungle – Potsdam Transfer advises entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs

Universities are the nucleus of new knowledge and ideas. The finest minds come here. But even though there is great potential for new business models …
Martin Fischer und Yuefang Zhou. Photo: Thomas Hölzel.

So Close to a Robot – Researchers study the interaction between human and machine

Henry is tall, dark-haired, and has a gentle expression. He knows our favorite songs and tells jokes that make us laugh. Henry is not a man; he is a …
Thanks to its variability, language helps to build bridges. Photo: Fotolia/

Testing the Limits – A Special Research Area Investigates How Flexible Language Really Is

It’s Friday morning at a weekly market in Berlin. Those who visit the Maybachufer market in the district of Neukölln are treated to a little journey …
Photo: Fotolia/Elnur.

The Human Factor – Professor Emmanuel Müller is working on new data analysis methods

For most people, “big data” is just an abstract term, an obscure mass of numbers, data, and formulas. Emmanuel Müller, however, is at home in this …

Guido-Reger-Gründerpreis an Start-up "PerfAccT" verliehen

Potsdam Transfer vergibt alljährlich den mit € 500 dotierten Guido-Reger-Gründerpreis. Ihn erhielt das Start-up „PerfAccT“ für eine Innovation im …

Layer by Layer – Project group develops new method to enable a complex analysis of social scientific texts

Modern information and communication technologies have been changing all spheres of society and have long been indispensable at German universities. …
Image: Gilles Blanchard

Bit by Bit

Gilles Blanchard Uses Statistics for Machine Learning

Not only people but also computers learn. Character and spam recognition are examples of how computer programs automatically learn to make …