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News from the University of Potsdam

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Kakum National Park: Part of the suspension bridges in Kakum National Park

Let’s go to Ghana! Day 8/9: Pure nature

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 8: Kakum National Park and Stingless Bee Farm After spending the day before on our research project, we set off early today - to Kakum National …
Sternenhimmel über Elmina

Let’s go to Ghana! – Days 6/7: On our way to Elmina Castle into the dark past

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Addition to last night: Our first night at the new accommodation “The Beach House Afiki” in Ankwande turns out to be exciting, because of a power …
Mehrsprachigkeit in der Kirche

Let’s go to Ghana! – Days 4/5: From the traces of the past to the education of the future

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 4: Visit the most important memorial sites in Accra Today, a visit to the Legon Interdominational Church on the campus and the Kwame Nkrumah …
Students out and about on the campus of the University of Accra

Let’s go to Ghana! – Days 1-3: Manifold experiences and impressions in Accra

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 1: Arrival in Accra and a first meeting with teaching staff of the University of Ghana (UG) Right after our arrival at “Yiri Lodge”, the …
Der kleine Fischerort Elmina

Let’s go to Ghana! Potsdam students on a field trip to West Africa

A group of 9 students from the faculty of philosophy travel to Ghana from the 7th to the 21st of December. The students from Bachelor and Master …
Olkaria geothermal field

KAWI KWA TAIFA – Energy for the nation – Potsdam and Kenyan Geosciences Researchers Investigate Geothermal Areas in the East African Rift Valley

Ol Karia – red ochre in the Maasai language, is a clayey, iron rich deposit found in areas with volcanic hot springs in the Kenya Rift. Red ochre is …
The Earth globe with people around

Forging New Alliances – The Research Training Group minor cosmopolitanisms wants to encourage dialogue

Cosmopolitans are at home everywhere; the world is their home. Neighbors, friends, like-minded people, and peers all around. A charming idea that, in …
Patrizia Boi, Studentin der Universität Cagliari, war mit einem EDUC-SHARE Internship in Potsdam.

From Cagliari to Potsdam and the Internet - Master's Student Patrizia Boi Comes to the University of Potsdam with an EDUC scholarship


For Patrizia Boi, EDUC is a stroke of luck and has long been more than just an acronym. Thanks to the European University Alliance, which is led by …
Participants of the Sustainable Development Academy“ (SDA) 2022.

Living sustainably, but how? - Third International Summer School on Sustainability at the University of Potsdam

What will the earth look like in the future? How can we live so that future generations will still be able to make the earth their home? For the third …
African antelopes seeking for shady places during phases of extreme heat

Keeping cool – how African antelopes respond to the climate crisis

The climate crisis is turning the temperature up all over the world, but in southern Africa, the rise has been particularly concerning. Scientists …