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For Academic Staff

Teaching and researching in a European context has never been easier!

The European Digital UniverCity or EDUC makes it possible for teachers and researchers to network and exchange across Europe, share resources and address a European audience.

With EDUC, your teaching and research is not limited to your university. By targeting innovative online and blended courses, EDUC creates many new opportunities for sharing and networking. Increase the reach of your lectures, seminars or language courses, experience inter-European exchange in the lecture hall or in the lab, create a strong scientific community to tackle contemporary issues together.

Your world just got bigger.

Call for Contributors for online training on Female Empowerment - join until 15 January!

The EDUC Alliance is working on the development of a self-learning online training on Female Empowerment for registered participants, designed for teachers, researchers and PhD students. Currently, the aim is to create the contents, which will be included in the modules of the online course. For completion of the training, attendance at 2 entire modules is satisfactory. They should be in English and focused on the following topics/sub-topics:

  1. Gender inequality (covering themes of structural inequalities, gender relations in Academia, glass ceiling, leaky pipeline, work-life balance and gendered career issues) 
  2. Violences (everyday experiences of inequality sexism, gender-based violence in Academia at various career stages)
  3. Gender methodologies (conducting gender sensitive research beyond the required „Ticking policy boxes“) 

The contents will be created and recorded during spring 2024 and made available for later enrolment on the EDUC Moodle platform. For each module, working group with contributors from partner universities of EDUC will be established. It will be coordinated by a member of the EDUC team who will provide technical support. 

If you are interested in contributing to the program, you can submit your expression of interest by writing an E-Mail to fabienne.donauuni-potsdamde. Please provide the following information: name, Academic affiliation (if so), link to your CV, the module in which you want to participate and the Sub-Topic(s), with a short abstracts/ descriptions/ suggestions of your idea.

The deadline for submission is January 15, 2024.

The selection of the contributors who will be involved in the activity will be carried out at the Alliance level. Once identified, contributors will be invited to participate in one or more online coordination meeting/s to finalize the module contents of the Female empowerment-training program. It hast to be highlighted that teachers/ researchers (who apply to the call of interest of the University of Potsdam) selected by the Alliance will benefit from economic incentives. Payment details depend on the type and scope of the input and will be discussed upon submission of applications.

For further information, please contact Fabienne Donau: fabienne.donauuni-potsdamde

Your contact for questions about EDUC offers for academic staff:

Katharina Kloss

Project Manager EDUC
Tel.: +49 331 977 113180

Giovanni Fonseca

Pedagogical Engineer
Tel.: +49 331-977-153041