Hossein Kazemi
AG Geographie und Naturrisikenforschung
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Campus Golm
Haus 24, Raum 0.76
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam-Golm
AG Geographie und Naturrisikenforschung
Campus Golm
Haus 24, Raum 0.76
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam-Golm
Seit 2019 DAAD geförderte Doktorarbeit:
Methodenentwicklung zur Identifizierung möglicher Deichrückverlegungsstandorte von ökologisch und hydraulisch relevanten Flussabschnitten.
M.Sc. Water Resources Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran.
“Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Rainbow Trout Thermal and Physical Habitat Suitability in Delichai River Basin, Iran”Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Stream Network Temperature Model (SNTEMP), and Physical Habitat Simulation Model (PHABSIM)
Technical University of Berlin scholarship for participation in the Summer University on “Green Liver Systems Eco-Friendly Water Purification” 25th July - 18th August 2016.
DAAD supported participation in the Summer School at the University of Duisburg-Essen on “Freshwater Ecosystems in Urban Systems – ecotoxicology, ecology, and biology”, 19th September to 1st October 2016.
INOWAS Scholarship for participation in the Summer School on “Managed Aquifer Recharge” at Technical University of Dresden, 4th to 9th September 2016, Dresden.