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News from the University of Potsdam

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Kirsten Sachse im Labor

My Workday – Between Shaking Flasks and Petri Dishes

“I love my amebae because they are more like us than you might think,” says Kirsten Sachse. Amebae are social unicellular organisms with a diameter of …
Martin Fischer in seinem Büro.

If I Could, I Would … Suspend the Laws of Nature! – with cognitive scientist Prof. Martin Fischer, Ph.D.

At least in the lab. My topic is “Embodied Cognition”. To understand it better, one of the things I would like to do is defy gravity. In the past, the …
Symbolische Darstellung eines Netzwerks

“The Aim is to Increase the Competitiveness and Visibility of Young Universities” – The Young European Research Universities Network YERUN

The European Union has transformed a continent that was divided and even hostile for centuries into a community that exchanges ideas, makes joint …
A swallow starts out on one hand.

Infections with parasites affect the local flight behaviour of swallows

Swallows infected with parasites move less and in smaller ranges than healthy ones – with detrimental effects on their foraging success and their …
European flag

How Much of Europe Is in Our Everyday Lives? – Andrea Liese, Christian Rauh, and Thomas Sommerer about international organizations

Whether it involves vaccination cards, donation programs, climate protection, or the free movement of goods, cross-border activities would be almost …
Earth on a background of grass and clouds versus a ruined Earth on a background of a dead desert.

Green growth – 30% of regions worldwide achieve economic growth while reducing carbon emissions

More and more regions around the globe combine economic growth with reducing carbon emissions, researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate …
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Herzschuh während des Interviews

Extrapolating from the Core – Leibniz Prize winner Ulrike Herzschuh conducts research on climate history for the future of the planet

Ulrike Herzschuh needs staying power. What she researches happened a long time ago, is difficult to find, and takes many years. The biologist is …
Prof. Maximilian Kleinert

Fresh Momentum for Diabetes Research – Maximilian Kleinert holds the new Heisenberg professorship at the University of Potsdam and at the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke

The effects and significance of physical exercise on the human organism form the common thread in Maximilian Kleinert’s research. Now he will be able …
Iain Macdonald is Professor of Philosophy at the Université de Montréal and visited the University of Potsdam for the second time as a guest researcher.

Rediscover Old Paths with UP Reconnect – Alumni Can Return to the University of Potsdam for Short Stays via a Funding Program

Going back to conduct research at your former alma mater, cultivating old or new friendships, and developing scientific ideas together: With the “UP …
Eli Friedlander

From Kant’s Philosophy to Benjamin’s Aesthetics – The Israeli Philosopher Eli Friedlander Is a Guest at the University of Potsdam

Wer sich die Gemälde von Franz Marc ansieht, findet neben expressionistisch und fast kubistisch anmutenden Formen vor allem eins: satte, …