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Examination Committee

The Examination Board  is responsible for the degree programs MSc Remote Sensing, geoInformation and Visualization (RSIV) and MSc Geoinformatik und Visualisierung (GiVi) .
The Examination Committee has been approved by the Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Potsdam in September 2019 and convenes regularly to discuss and deciede about recent developments.

Committee Members

Representatives from the faculty members
Prof. Dr. Bodo Bookhagen (Committee Chair)
Prof. Dr. Peter van der Beek (Deputy chair)
Prof. Martin Trauth
Prof. Dr. Hugues Lantuit (1. Deputy.)

Representatives from the academic staff
Dr. Aljoscha Rheinwalt
Dr. Gerold Zeilinger (Deputy.)

Student representatives
Emma Schütt
Tabea Reitemeier (Deputy.)

Martina Heidemann


Application Process

Please send your application to the adress named below or hand your application to the secretariat. Emails with questions about the application process can be send to:

Examination Commmittee Geosciences
Institute for Geosciences
University of Potsdam
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25
14476 Potsdam, Germany

E-Mail: pa_rsiv [at]

phone: +49 (0)331 977 5842

Office Hours Examination Committee

Currently, only by appointment! Please call +49 (0)331 977 5842 to get an appointment.

Tue + Thu 9-12 am and 1-4:30 pm at room

Please check your forms and application for complettness and signitures needed. Please allow a processing time of up to one week.

Study regulations and application forms

Current admission and study regulations

Request for recognition of examination results

Application for approval of an internship

Master theses