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Processing signals of active volcanoes

Eva P. S. Eibl

Active volcano
Photo: E. Eibl

This course teaches free, open access, Python-based codes in seismology that can be applied to seismic signals recorded on active volcanoes to improve the early-warning and mitigate the negative effects of eruptions.

Python is a free, easy to learn, powerful programming language. This course teaches the basics in Python and python-based packages specific for seismology: Obspy and Pyrocko. We learn to use Software Tools such as Snuffler which is part of Pyrocko whilst hands-on processing some seismic data examples from geyser Strokkur or the eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland in 2021.

We learn about the theory of Fourier Transforms, filtering, and instrument correction and directly use it in Jupyter notebooks in which we can change the input and discuss the effect and define useful settings. This class is set up as a highly interactive class using the inverted classroom model and highlighting the applications and reasoning behind processing steps. The students finally know how to program, how to use functions and software for seismological research questions to process seismic data in a Master thesis and beyond.

Active volcano
Photo: E. Eibl