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Balima Larba Hubert defended his PhD in July 2020 at the University Félix Houphouet Boigny (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire), under the frame of WASCAL graduate program (Climate Change and Biodiversity). He obtained his MSc degree in Botany and Plant Ecology at the University of Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso), and he conducted his research study on human-elephant conflicts and elephants' impacts on woody vegetation. For his Ph.D. study, his research was focused on addressing the ecological responses of useful savanna tree species to land-use and climate change in West Africa, using ethnobotany, tree ring analysis, carbon stock estimation, and species distribution modeling. In his current position at the University of Potsdam, he will investigate biodiversity-ecosystem services relationships and the drivers of greenhouse emissions and carbon storage in West African landscapes, as a member of the GreenGaDe project team.



people standing in front of grassland
Foto: Sophia Meyer
Our new group member Balima (Left).
people standing in front of grassland
Foto: Sophia Meyer
Our new group member Balima (Left).