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Publications 2019

  • Bubner, B.; Buchheit, R.; Friedrich, F.; Kummer, V.; Scholler, M. (2019): Species identification of European forest pathogens of the genus Milesina (Pucciniales) using urediniospore morphology and molecular barcoding including M. woodwardiana sp. nov.- Mykokeys 48: 1-40. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.48.30350
  • Berger, S., Bliefernicht, J., Linstädter, A., Čanak, K., Guug, S., Heinzeller, D., Hingerl, L., Mauder, M., Neidl, F., Quansah, E., Salack, S., Steinbrecher, R. and Kunstmann, H. (2019). The impact of rain events on CO2 emissions from contrasting land use systems in semi-arid West African savannas. Science of the Total Environment, 647, pp. 1478-1489. Available at: URL.
  • Gaitán, J.J., Maestre, F.T., Bran, D.E., Buono, G.G., Dougill A.J., García Martínez, G., Ferrante, D., Guuroh, R.T., Linstädter A., Massara, V., Thomas, A.D., Oliva, G.E. (2019). Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of Topsoil Organic Carbon Concentration in Drylands Have Similar Effects at Regional and Global Scales. Ecosystems. Available at: URL.
  • Galland, T., Adeux, G., Dvořáková, H., E‐Vojtkó, A., Orbán, I., Lussu, M., ... & de Bello, F. (2019) Colonization resistance and establishment success along gradients of functional and phylogenetic diversity in experimental plant communities. Journal of Ecology, 107(5), 2090-2104.
  • Helm, J.; Dutoit, T.; Saatkamp, A.; Bucher, S. F.; Leiterer, M.; Römermann, C.: Recovery of mediterranean steppe vegetation after cultivation: Legacy effects on plant composition, soil properties and functional traits. Applied Vegetation Science 22 (1), pp. 71 - 84 (2019), https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12415
  • Herden, J., Eckert, S., Stift, M., Joshi, J., & van Kleunen, M. (2019). No evidence for local adaptation and an epigenetic underpinning in native and non‐native ruderal plant species in Germany. Ecology and evolution9(17), 9412-9426.
  • Kahl, S. M., Lenhard, M., & Joshi, J. (2019). Compensatory mechanisms to climate change in the widely distributed species Silene vulgaris. Journal of Ecology107(4), 1918-1930.
  • Kruse, J., Thiel, H., Frauenberger, H.; Rätzel, S. & V. Kummer (2019): Bemerkenswerte Funde phytoparasitischer Kleinpilze (11). – Z. Mykol. 85: 53-92.
  • Kruse, J., Thiel, H., Klenke, F. & V. Kummer (2019): Bemerkenswerte Funde phytoparasitischer Kleinpilze (12). – Z. Mykol. 85: 315-342.
  • Kummer, V.; Seitz, B.; Schwarz, R. (2019): Zum 85. Geburtstag von Dieter Benkert.- Verh. Bot. Ver. Berlin Brandenburg 150: 329-332
  • Kummer, V. (2019): Beiträge zur Pilzflora der Luckauer Umgebung (22): Die Ergebnisse der Pilzexkursion am 23.10.2016 im Zützener Busch.- Biol. Studien Luckau 47: 60-76.
  • Lozada‐Gobilard, S., Stang, S., Pirhofer‐Walzl, K., Kalettka, T., Heinken, T., Schröder, B., Eccard, J. & Joshi, J. (2019). Environmental filtering predicts plant‐community trait distribution and diversity: Kettle holes as models of meta‐community systems. Ecology and evolution9(4), 1898-1910.
  • Pfeiffer, M., Langan, L., Linstädter, A., Martens, C., Gaillard, C., Ruppert, J., Higgins, S., Mudongo, E. and Scheiter, S. (2019). Grazing and aridity reduce perennial grass abundance in semi-arid rangelands – Insights from a trait-based dynamic vegetation model. Ecological Modelling, 395, pp. 11-22. Available at: URL.
  • Raatz, L., Bacchi, N., Pirhofer Walzl, K., Glemnitz, M., Müller, M. E., Joshi, J., & Scherber, C. (2019). How much do we really lose?—Yield losses in the proximity of natural landscape elements in agricultural landscapes. Ecology and evolution9(13), 7838-7848.
  • Rätzel. S.; Ristow, M. & V. Kummer (Hrsg.) (2019): Neuigkeiten zu den Farn- und Samenpflanzen Berlin-Brandenburgs I.- Verh. Bot. Ver. Berlin Brandenburg 150: 119-237.
  • Richter, U.; Kummer, V. (2019): Der Thüringer Mykologe Adelbert Henkel (Nachtrag). – Boletus 39: 43-49.
  • Sapp, M., Tyborsky, N., Linstädter, A., López-Sánchez, A., Mansfeldt, T., Waldhoff, G., Bareth, G., Bonkowski, M., Rose, L.E. (in prep.) Signatures of site specific distribution of oak rhizosphere associated oomycetes revealed by cytochrome c oxidase subunit II metabarcoding. Journal of Molecular Ecology.
  • Schmidt, M.; Karich, A.; Kummer, V. (2019): Bemerkenswerte Pilzfunde während der 26. IMM-Tagung in Groß Väter.- Boletus 39: 67-78.