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Prof. Dr. Jasper Dag Tjaden

Funded by: European Research Excutive Agency

Granted project volume: 314.000,00 €

Run-time: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025


Irregular migration, including its quantitative dimension, has been on key area of migration research and policy since the late 1980s. Yet, despite the substantial increase in academic and institutional knowledge about irregular migration over the past three decades, key assumptions on the topic remain contested.

Main research question:

As part of the MIrreM project, the University of Potsdam is leading an initiative to explore innovative and scalable methodological approaches for estimating irregular migration. The central research question of the project MIRREM investigates the potential of new data sources (social media; air travel; health data, etc.) to allow for a better understanding of the phenomenon of irregular migration.

Research objective:

The goal of the project is to provide non-scientific as well as scientific stakeholders with an entry point to new approaches in the study of irregular migration and to provide recommendations on the validity and scalability of different approaches.