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Prof. Dr. Maja Apelt

Funded by: Federal Joint Committee, Board of Innovation

Granted project volume: 966.681,24 €

Run-time: 01.09.2021 – 31.08.2024

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The diversity of nursing teams in Germany is influenced by increasing migration processes and (partial) academization, which, in turn, affects intra- and interprofessional cooperation in everyday care.

Main research question:

Starting from this assumption, CareTrans examines transforming processes, structures and organizational cultures in two nursing care settings.

Research objective:

The overarching goal is to optimize (self-) learning processes of care institutions in dealing with diversity. For this purpose, 1) communication and cooperation structures in diverse care teams (micro level) and 2) their organizational framework (meso level) are analyzed in order to develop 3) a set of instruments for organizational and personnel development in a participatory process. The methodological core of this mixed methods approach are comparative case analyses, whose qualitative methods (group discussions, participant observations, interviews, participatory workshops) are interlocked with a quantitative online survey. The qualitative part includes case studies of four care teams in two hospitals and two care teams in two nursing homes. The quantitative part of the study includes an online survey with a factorial survey to which all nursing staff of the participating institutions are invited.