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Leadership behaviors

Project title: Interactive effects of different leadership behaviors

Project duration: 3 Years

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Eric Kearney

Cooperation partners: Meir Shemla & Daan van Knippenberg (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)

Short Description

The effects of leadership behaviors have thus far almost always been studied in isolation. In other words, the effects of focal leader behaviors such as empowering or visionary leadership are usually examined without taking into account what additional behaviors a leader may exhibit. We posit that this restricted view has led to a fragmentation in the leadership literature and has yielded many mixed and inconclusive findings. We aim to paint a more holistic picture of the overall effects that a leader has on followers by investigating the combined effects of leadership behaviors that are typically studied seperately. In our first study, we found that empowering leadership is only positive related to follower creativity when leaders simultaneously enact high levels of visionary behaviors, but not when visionary leadership is low.