Prof. Kuhlmann at C40 World Mayors Summit in Buenos Aires
The C40 is the most important global organization for coordinating climate policy at the local level. The C40 Mayors Summit gathers the highest representatives of over 97 cities, as well as diplomats and civil society, to discuss the future of climate change mitigation and adaptation at the local level.
The Municipality of Buenos Aires, this year's host, invited the Chair of Political Science, Administration and Organization and the Chair of Political Theory to present a study on the governance of climate strategies at the C40.
This study was authored by Prof. Kuhlmann, Franziska Oehlert and Tomás Vellani, and Prof. Schuppert and Janina Walkenhorst of the Chair of Political Theory. The study is entitled "A comparison of the governance of climate strategies in metropolitan cities: the influence of local autonomy and administrative culture on governance type."
The workshop was developed jointly with the Buenos Aires City Council and the Universidad de San Martin (UNSAM). UNSAM is a cooperation partner of the UP. The results were presented in an event with researchers from UNSAM and in another event for students and the interested public.
The full program of the C40 Mayors Summit can be viewed as here:
C40 World Mayors Summit City Programme
The invitation to the workshop at UNSAM can be accessed here:
Gobernanza de políticas climáticas desde una política comparativa: Berlín, París y Buenos Aires
The workshop took place as part of the preparatory module for a planned inter- and transdisciplinary climate research centre with the participation of the University of Potsdam - the Einstein Center Climate Change and Public Policy of Human Settlements (ECCC). You will find more information on the planned center ECCC here: