NKR presents annual report 2019
On October 23, 2019, the National Regulatory Control Council (NKR), whose Vice-Chairperson is Prof. Kuhlmann, presented Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel with its new annual report "Less bureaucracy, better laws - thinking along with practice, making results tangible, demanding progress". The additional burdens amounting to 831 million euros resulting from the 330 federal regulations examined in this reporting period relate primarily to public administration, whereas in previous years business had experienced the highest additional regulatory burdens. Despite the discernible dynamic in the implementation of the Online Access Act (Onlinezugangsgesetz - OZG), the NKR notes that considerable efforts are still required in the area of digitalisation of the administration. Furthermore, the German legislative procedure should be modernised in order to adopt regulations that are more suitable for enforcement, more appropriate to the addressees and more effective. A report on this topic "First the content, then the paragraphs" was also published and presented to the Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance, Olaf Scholz, on the occasion of the NKR's mid-term review.
Further information is available here.
You can download the NKR Annual Report 2019 here.
An audio contribution by the ARD can be found here.
The presentation of the Annual Report with speeches by NKR Chairman Dr. Johannes Ludewig and Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel is available here on YouTube.
The report "First the content, then the paragraphs" can be downloaded here.