Anisia Popescu
Collaborating Postdoc
Campus Golm
Building 14, Room 1.09
Linguistics Department
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
14476 Potsdam
consulting hours
by appointment
About Me
Research Projects
2019-2020: Relations between spoken language and reading acquisition in beginning readers of German with or without risk for dyslexia (PredictAble Marie Curie ITN)
2019: PhD, Language Sciences, Université Paris Diderot, France
Technical Experience
EMA and ultrasound imaging
R (data processing, analysis and visualisation, statistical analyses)
PRAAT (acoustic analysis, phonetic labelling, basic programming)
MATLAB (basic programming, TaDA modelling)
Peer-reviewed publications
Popescu, A., & Noiray, A. (2021). Does learning to read interact with speech patterns in consistent alphabetic systems? The case of German. AMLaP 2021, Paris.
Popescu, A., & Noiray, A. (2021). Does learning how to read affect the way you speak? Preliminary insight from German beginning readers. International Child Phonology Conference (online).
Popescu, A.. & Noiray, A. (2021). Reading proficiency interacts with speech articulation: better readers show greater speech motor differentiation. Journal of Language, Learning and Development.
Popescu, A., & Noiray, A. (2020). Coarticulatory organization in beginner readers: a multifactorial interaction approach. International Seminar on Speech Production, Providence.
Rubertus., E. & Popescu, A. (2020). Development of coarticulation: comparing modalities in beginning readers. International Seminar on Speech Production, Providence.
Popescu, A., Noiray, A. (2019). Reading proficiency and phonemic awareness as predictors of coarticulatory gradients in children. Proceedings of BUCLD 44, Boston, Nov.7-10.
Noiray, A., Popescu, A., Killmer, H., Rubertus, E., Krüger, S., & Hintermeier, L. (2019). Skill integration and the challenge of spoken language acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology, section language Sciences.
Popescu, A., Hintermeier, L., Krüger, S. & Noiray, A (2019). Does the acquisition of reading affect speech production? Conference Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. Poster.