Dr. Taiane Malabarba
Dept. of English and American Studies
Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 19, Room 1.13
14469 Potsdam, Germany
consulting hours
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via email.
Academic and Professional Background
Taiane Malabarba is currently a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the chair Present-Day English Language and Linguistics at the University of Potsdam. She holds an MA and PhD in Applied Linguistics from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Brazil). In 2014, she was a visiting scholar, funded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES, Brazilian Ministry of Education), at Penn State University. She was Assistant Professor at Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos from 2015 to 2018.
Her research concerns face-to-face interaction as well as interaction mediated by technological apparatus, such as smartphone applications and video conferencing tools. She uses methods from Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, complemented by work done within the fields of Usage-based Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Gesture studies and TESOL.
Her major publications include the edited volume “Conversation analytic perspectives on English language learning, teaching and testing in global contexts” (Multimodal Matters, 2019), co-edited with Hanh Nguyen, and the special issue “Describing and assessing interactional competence in a second language” (in Applied Pragmatics, 2023). She has published articles in several peer-reviewed journals, such as Language and Communication, Languages, TESOL in Context, and Classroom Discourse.
Please click here for a more comprehensive academic CV.
Areas of Research
- Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis
- Interactional Linguistics
- Additional language learning
- Second language acquisition
- Social interaction
- Technology-mediated interaction
- Microanalysis of mobile messaging chats
- Longitudinal analysis
- Multimodality
- Classroom interaction
- Language Teaching
- Language policy
Books, edited volumes and special issues
Nguyen, H.; Malabarba, T. (in press). Developing Interactional Competence at the Workplace: Learning English as a Foreign Language on the Shop Floor. Routledge (Second Language Studies series Ed. S. W. Eskildsen and K. Skogmyr Marian). https://www.routledge.com/Developing-Interactional-Competence-at-the-Workplace-Learning-English-as-a-Foreign-Language-on-the-Shop-Floor/Nguyen-Malabarba/p/book/9780367646769
Betz, E.; Malabarba, T.; Barth-Weingarten, D. (2023). Describing and assessing interactional competence in a second language (Special Issue). Applied Pragmatics, 5(2).
Nguyen, H.; Malabarba, T. (2019). Conversation analytic perspectives on English language learning, teaching and testing in global contexts.Bristol, UK:Multilingual Matters.
Refereed Journal Articles
Nguyen, H.; Malabarba, T. (under review). Interactional Competence Development As Task-Oriented Language Socialization. Submitted to Language, Interaction, Acquisition.
Malabarba, T. & Betz, Emma. (2023). Describing and Assessing Interactional Competence in a Second Language: Introduction to the Special Issue. Applied Pragmatics, 5(2), 121-141.
Malabarba, T. (2022). Requesting on WhatsApp: The interplay of interactional competence and deontics in English as an additional language. TESOL in Context, 30(2). https://doi.org/10.21153/tesol2022vol30no2art1516
Malabarba, T.; Mendes, A.C.O.; de Souza, J. (2022). Multimodal Resolution of Overlapping Talk in Video-Mediated L2 Instruction. Languages, 7(2): 154, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7020154
Malabarba, T. & de Souza, J. (2021). ‚I’ll tell you a secret’: socialization into oral social practices in elementary school whole group interaction. Revista da ABRALIN, 20(3), 1595-1619. https://doi.org/10.25189/rabralin.v20i3.1962
Skogmyr Marian, K.; Malabarba, T.; Weatherall, A. (2021). Multi-unit turns that begin with a resaying of a prior speaker’s turn. Language and Communication, 78, 77-87.
De Souza, J.; Malabarba, T.; Guimarães, A. M. (2020). Hold-ups in classroom interaction: The multiactivity of managing students' participation in a Brazilian primary school. Bulletin Suisse de Linguistique Appliquée,111, 111–135.
Kimura, D.; Malabarba, T.; Hall, J. K. (2018). Data collection considerations for classroom interaction research: A Conversation Analytic perspective. In: Classroom Discourse, 9(3), 185–204.
Malabarba, T.; Hall, J. K. (2017). Interaction and second language acquisition research: Interview with Joan Kelly Hall. Calidoscópio, 15(2), 399–403.
Malabarba, T.; Guimaraes, A. M. M. (2012). Precisa-se de um linguista: da relevância do analista da linguagem na compreensão do mundo do trabalho [A linguist is needed: About the relevance of the language analyst in understanding the world of work.]. Raído6, 151–162.
Malabarba, T.; Guimaraes, A. M. M. (2010). O agir docente em curso livre de língua estrangeira: que trabalho é esse? [Teaching English in private language schools: what work is it?]. Glauks,10, 271–295.
Book chapters
Malabarba, T. (2019). ’In English, sorry’: Participants' Orientation to the English-only policy in Beginning-level EFL Classroom Interaction. In: H. Nguyen & T. Malabarba (Eds.), Conversation analytic perspectives on English language learning, teaching and testing in global contexts, 244–276. Bristol, UK:Multilingual Matters.
Malabarba, T.; Nguyen, H. (2019). Using Conversation Analysis to understand the realities of English-as-a-Foreign-Language Learning, Teaching, and Testing. In: H. Nguyen & T. Malabarba (Eds.), Conversation analytic perspectives on English language learning, teaching and testing in global contexts, 1–30.Bristol, UK:Multilingual Matters.
Sayer, P.; Malabarba, T.; Moore, L. (2019). Teaching English in marginalized contexts: Constructing Relevance in an EFL Classroom in Rural Southern Mexico. In: H. Nguyen & T. Malabarba (Eds.), Conversation analytic perspectives on English language learning, teaching and testing in global contexts,268–294.Bristol, UK:Multilingual Matters.
Hall, J. K.; Malabarba, T.; Kimura, D. (2019). What’s Symmetrical?: A Teacher’s Cooperative Management of Learner Turns in a Read-Aloud Activity. In: J. K. Hall & S. Looney (Eds.), The Embodied Work of Teaching. Bristol, 37–56. UK:Multilingual Matters.
Malabarba, T. (2016). O trabalho docente e sua profissionalidade: do projeto de ensino às participações contingents [The work of teaching and its professionality: From the pedagogical project to the contingent participations]. In: A. M. M. Guimarães, A. Carnin & D. Cafiero Bicalho (Eds.), Formação e trabalho docente: múltiplos olhares para o ensino de língua maternal, 117-143. Campinas: Pontes Editores.
Conference reports
Fenner, C.; Gostrer, G.; Heiden, L.; Malabarba, T.; Schirm, S. (2022). Report on the first International Summer Institute for Interactional Linguistics at the IDS Mannheim, 18th – 23rd of July 2022. Gesprächsforschung - Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion, 23, 321-329.
Conversation analysis
Text and discourse
Usage-based theories of second language acquisition
The analysis of text messaging
Introduction to linguistics