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The Research Focus Earth Sciences (RFES) provides a broad spectrum of laboratories that are equally important for research and teaching. For example, there are state-of-the-art facilities for the physical and chemical analysis of rock, minerals and liquids. These are complemented by a large pool of modern field equipment.

Lab Infrastructure of the Institute of Geosciences

Lab Infrastructure of the Institute of Environmental Science and Geography

Both institutes provide outstanding technical staff who are highly knowledgeable about scientific data processing, which plays a key role in geophysics, geographical information systems, 3D visualization and 3D modeling. We also maintain a series of laboratories with microscopes and data processing systems that are used for training in the bachelor's and master's programs.

Moreover, the RFES is part of the research network Geo.X whose partners are commited to share their lab infrastructure. An overview of relevant research infrastructure can be found at:


LI@Geo.X (LI = Laboratory Infrastructure) is a search portal which is operated by the research network Geo.X. It includes information about the laboratory infrastructures of the network’s partner institutions supporting researchers in planning and implementing research projects.
Please note the individual terms of use for each laboratory. If you are interested in access please contact the responsible lab manager.