Victor Parry [PhD student]
Research interests
- Meta community systems
- Movement Ecology
- Aquatic Biology

Victor Parry
Campus Botanischer Garten
University of Potsdam
Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling
Maulbeerallee 2, building 2
14476 Potsdam
Scientific career
current Doctoral studies at University of Potsdam (supervised by PD Dr. Guntram Weithoff and Prof. Dr. Tiedemann)
2015 - 2017 Master of Science in Biology (specialization in Ecology, Behaviour, Evolution and Biosystematics) at Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU)
Master’s Thesis: Gross Growth Efficiency of Daphnia magna: Genetic Variance and Effects of Temperature
2013 - 2015 Master of Philosophy in Climate Change and Sustainable Development at University of Ghana
Master’s Thesis: Assessment of the Sustainable Livelihoods of Rural Cocoa Farmers in the Atwima Mponua District of Ghana
2008 - 2012 Bachelor of Science in Zoology at University of Ghana
BSc. Thesis: Aquatic Insect fauna of Two Sacred groves in the Eastern Region of Ghana
Current projects
- DFG Research Training Group BioMove
Einum, S., Fossen, E. I., Parry, V., & Pélabon, C. (2019). Genetic variation in metabolic rate and correlations with other energy budget components and life history in Daphnia magna. Evolutionary Biology, 46(2), 170-178.