Claudia Drago [PhD student]
Research Interest
- Marine Biology and Ecology
- Limnology
- Microplastics

Claudia Drago
Campus Botanischer Garten
University of Potsdam
Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling
Maulbeerallee 2, building 2, room 2.03
14476 Potsdam
Scientific career
Since 2018 PhD student at the University of Potsdam supervised by PD Dr. Guntram Weithoff and PD Dr. Katrin Wendt-Potthoff, project :
MikroPlaTas (Plastik in der Umwelt, BMBF)
2017 Master’s thesis : “ Absorption and effect of microplastics in Mullus barbatus” (ENG)
2017 Traineeship in Ecotoxicology in the University of Exeter (UK)
2015 - 2017 Master’s Degree in Coastal and Marine Biology and Ecology (ENG) in the University of Salento (Italy)
2014 Bachelor’s thesis: “Methodology of Stratigraphic analysis of benthic foraminifera’s Tanathocenosis in Sicilian Channel” (ITA)
2014 Four months Traineeship at Italian National Research Council; Institute for Coastal Marine Environment; Unit of Capo Granitola (CNR)
2013 Two semesters abroad in the faculty of Biology at the University of Oviedo (Spain)
2009-2014 Bachelor’s study in Natural Science (ITA) at the University of Palermo (Italy)
Seta Noventa, Christian Hacker, Ana Correia, Claudia Drago & Tamara Galloway (2018) Gold nanoparticles ingested by oyster larvae are internalized by cells through an alimentary endocytic pathway, Nanotoxicology, 12:8, 901-913, DOI: 10.1080/17435390.2018.1487601
Matthew Cole, Corin Liddle, Giulia Consolandi, Claudia Drago, Cameron Hird, Penelope K. Lindeque, Tamara S. Galloway (2020) Microplastics, microfibres and nanoplastics cause variable sub-lethal responses in mussels (Mytilus spp.), Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 160, 111552, ISSN 0025-326X,