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The teaching includes basic botanical training in the bachelor’s degree courses, in particular general botany, and training in vegetation ecology in the master’s degree in ecology, evolution and nature conservation. The focus here is on plant communities in Central Europe and their site factors (geobotany).

Winter semester

  • Lecture General Botany (Bachelor of Education Biology, Bachelor biosciences & nutrition sciences, module Basics of Biology)
  • Seminar General Botany (Bachelor of Education Biology, Bachelor biosciences & nutrition sciences, module Basics of Biology)
  • Exercise Practical and experimental Botany (Bachelor of Education Biology, module Basics of Biology)
  • Botanical-ecological excursions
  • Lecture Vegetation and vegetation history of Central Europe (Master of Ecology, Evolution and Cosnervation, course package Vegetation of Central Europe)

Summer semester

  • Botanical-ecological field course (Bachelor of Education, Module ecology and professional field reference)
  • Lecture State of the art: Nature conservation (Master Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, module State of the art: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation)
  • Tutorial and field course Vegetation ecology of Central Europe (course package Vegetation of Central Europe)
  • Lectre and seminar Crop plants: diversity and breeding (Master Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, cours package Crop plants and domestic animals, Master of Education Biology: Didactics II and professional field reference biology II, nature conservation and professional field reference biology III)
  • Seminar and field course Geobotany (Master Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, course package Geobotany)
  • Botanical-ecological excursions