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Milene Mendes de Oliveira

Dr. Milene Mendes de Oliveira

Postdoctoral researcher

Principal investigator in “Digital Communities and Online Intercultural Competence”


Campus Golm
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
Building 16, Room 1.15
14476 Potsdam-Golm


consulting hours
By arrangement


  • Since 2020: Early-career researcher in the BMBF (German Federal Ministry for Education and Research)-funded project "ReDICo: Researching Digital Interculturality Co-Operatively"/ PI in ReDICo’s sub-project “Digital Communities and Online Intercultural Competence”
  • 04/2018-10/2020 – Lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Present-Day English Language and Linguistics
  • 2014  - 2018 - PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of Potsdam (supervised by Prof. Hans-Georg Wolf and Prof. Ulrike Schröder) - Dissertation: Business negotiations between Brazilians and Germans: Conceptualization and Practice
  • 2011-2013 - M.A. in Applied Linguistics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil (supervised by Prof. Ulrike Schröder) - MA Thesis: American English X Brazilian English: Intra- and Intercultural Communication in the classroom
  • 2002–2010 – (Business) English teacher in different language courses in Brazil
  • 2002-2006 - B.A. in English language at the Federal University of Ouro Preto in Brazil.

Research interests

  • English as a lingua franca (ELF)
  • Business English as a lingua franca (BELF)
  • Digital intercultural communication
  • Cultural linguistics
  • Intercultural Pragmatics
  • English teaching and learning

Latest publications


Mendes de Oliveira, Milene (2020). Business negotiations in ELF from a cultural linguistic perspective, ACL Series, Mouton De Gruyter.

Book chapters, articles and edited works

Mendes de Oliveira, Milene (in preparation). Failure in Intercultural Communication. In Adriana Mica, Mikołaj Pawlak, Anna Horolets and Paweł Kubicki, Routledge International Handbook of Failure: Perspectives from Sociology and other Social Sciences.

Mendes de Oliveira, Milene. (forthcoming). Transferring metaphorical conceptualizations from the L1 into English: notes on an emerging project. In: Marcus Callies & Marta Degani. Metaphor in Language and Culture Across World Englishes. Series Bloomsbury Approaches to World Englishes.

Mendes de Oliveira, Milene (2020). Face and cultural conceptualizations in German-Brazilian Business Exchanges. International Journal of Language and Culture (7)1, 63-83.

Schröder, Ulrike; Mendes de Oliveira, Milene, Wolf, Hans-Georg (2020). Introduction to special issue: Intercultural Pragmatics and Cultural Linguistics. International Journal of Language and Culture (7)1, 1-14.

Mendes de Oliveira, Milene. (2020). A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS NEGOTIATION IS RESOURCE SHARING: investigating Brazilian and German cultural conceptualisations in ‘conceptual scripts’. In: Marzieh Sadeghpour & Farzad Sharifian (eds.) Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes, 317-331. Singapore: Springer.

Mendes de Oliveira, Milene; Wolf, Hans-Georg. (2019). Linguística cultural e comunicação intercultural: Uma síntese de discussões e pesquisas recentes na Universidade de Potsdam [Cultural linguistics and intercultural communication: A synthesis of recent discussions and research at the University of Potsdam]. In: Schröder, U.; Carneiro, M. M. Linguística (inter-)cultural em interação. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG.

Turner, Mark; Avelar, Maíra.; Mendes de Oliveira, Milene. (2019) Blended classic joint attention and multimodal deixis. Signo 44(79), 03-09.

Mendes de Oliveira, Milene. (2018). Cultural conceptualizations of business negotiations in the Expanding Circle. World Englishes 37(4), 684-696.