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Study Plan: Master's Degree

1st semester

28 LP


Statistics I


Cognitive Science - Embodied Cognition


Bridge Module

4 LP (accredited with finishing Statistics II)15 LP9 LP

2nd semester

32 LP


Statistics II


Neuroscience of Embodied Cognition


Advanced Methods: Experimental Programming


Language and Development or Philosophy of Neuroscience and Embodied Cognition


Cognitive and Sensorimotor Development or Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuropsychology and the Body

5 LP9 LP6 LP6 LP6 LP

3rd semester

30 LP


Mathematical Modelling in Neurocognitive Psychology


Individual Research Module


Developmental Science and Embodiment or Neurolinguistic Perspectives

9 LP15 LP6 LP

4th semester

30 LP

Master's Thesis
30 LP

Make sure to consult the study regulations. Together with this table, they tell you everything you need to know about how to plan your studies!


Obligatory Modules

Elective Modules

Bridge Modules

Taking classes at other universities

The Uni Potsdam, especially Cognitive Science - Embodied Cognition, is very lenient with accrediting classes taken outside of the programme, and classes offered by other universities. This fosters interdisciplinarity, connections between Potsdam and Berlin students, lecturers and research topics. It is even possible to get credit for a class taken at a university outside of the Potsdam-Berlin circuit.

The class needs to fulfill the following requirements:

  1. It is offered at the Master's level, i.e. it is part of the curriculum of a Master's programme.
  2. It is held in English.
  3. It is worth at least 6 credit points.
  4. It suits the topic of Cognitive Science.
  5. If the class is not held at Uni Potsdam: the topic and scope of the class is not covered by a course currently offered at the Uni Potsdam.

You need to take the following steps:

  1. Contact the lecturer of the class you want whether you are allowed to take it and what form of examination you are expected to take to get credit.
  2. Contact the study board with a filled out request for approval and a suggestion which module you would like to replace with the class.
  3. Attend your selected class and earn your credit.
  4. Have your lecturer attest your credit in the following form.
  5. Send in a filled out request for recognition following the steps outlined here.