Datum | Vortragende*r | Titel | eingeladen von | Anmerkungen |
12.04.24 | Ulrike Herzschuh & Thomas Laepple, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Investigating time-series and spatial fields from environmental archives to inform about past and future dynamics of climate and biodiversity | joint event with SFB 1294 | |
19.04.24 | | tba | | |
26.04.24 | Kirill Polovnikov, Skoltecow | Polymer models for chroma- tin dynamics | invited by Ralf Metzler | |
03.05.24 | | tba | | |
17.05.24 | Gabriele Steidl, TU Berlin | Kernel Methods in Generative Modeling | joint event with SFB 1294 | |
24.05.24 | Michael Tamm, Tallin University, Estonia | Linguistic competition models | invited by Ralf Metzler | |
31.05.24 | Julian Talbot, Sorbonne Universite, Paris | Elongated particles under shear: the effect of noise | invited by Ralf Metzler | |
07.06.24 | | tba | | |
14.06.24 | Sergei Fedotov, University of Manchester | Anomalous Transport of He- terogeneous Population | invited by Ralf Metzler; joint event with SFB 1294 | |
21.06.24 | Yérali Gandica, Valencian International University, Department of Mathematics | A structural study of social demonstrations | invited by Karoline Wiesner | |
28.06.24 | Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Uni Potsdam | Towards FAIR principles for research software | invited by Karoline Wiesner | |
(05.07.24) | (Thilo Groß, Helmholtz-Institut für Funktionelle Marine Biodiversität, Universität Oldenburg (HIFMB)) | (One ring to rule them all: Small steps toward a theory of complexity) | invited by Karoline Wiesner | ACHTUNG: VERSCHOBEN |
12.07.24 | Benjamin Lindner, HU Berlin | Fluctuation-response relations for diverse complex systems - from stochastic oscillators and spiking neurons to particle motion in an active bath | invited by Karoline Wiesner | |
19.07.24 | Edriss Titi , University of Cambridge | tba | joint event with SFB 1294 | |