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Ralf Engbert

Ralf Engbert, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.

Professor of Experimental and Biological Psychology


University Campus Golm
Bldg 14, Room 4.03
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam, Germany


consulting hours
on appointment

Other Functions

Member of the Executive Committee of Research Focus "Cognitive Sciences"


Dr. rer. nat. (1998, Department of Physics, University of Potsdam, Germany)
Dipl.-Physiker (1994, Department of Physics, RWTH Aachen, Germany)

Research Interests

Dynamical systems approach to cognition
Attention and eye movements
Biological and mathematical psychology

Research Projects

Project B03 of CRC 1294 (DFG): Parameter inference and model comparison in dynamical cognitive models (DFG, with Prof. Sebastian Reich)

Project B05 of CRC 1294 (DFG): Attention selection and recognition in scene viewing (DFG, with Prof. Tobias Scheffer)

Project B03 of CRC 1287 (DFG): Modelling the interaction between eye-movement control and parsing processes (DFG, with Prof. Shravan Vasishth)

Mobile eye tracking: Generalizability and limitations of the static scene viewing paradigm (DFG, Lead PI: Dr. Hans A. Trukenbrod)

Integration of oculomotor and cognitive-dynamical modeling of eye-movement control during reading (DFG)

The integration of early vision, saliency models, and eye-movement control: Experiments, modeling, and spatial statistics (DFG, with Prof. Felix A. Wichmann, Tübingen)

Foveal and peripheral influences on the control of gaze and attention during scene perception: Experiments and mathematical modeling (DFG, with Dr. Jochen Laubrock)

Publication Metrics

Web of Science
Semantic Scholar
Google Scholar

