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Secretaries' Offices

Peggy Audörsch
Room 0.17
Telephone: 0331/977-1043
Fax: 0331/977-1526

Mo - Do
09 - 11 & 13 -15

homeoffice:  Fr

Anglophone Literatures and Cultures outside Great Britain and the U.S.
Prof. Dr. Lars Eckstein
More staff information here.

English Literature
Prof. Dr. Dirk Wiemann
More staff information here.

Simone Heinze
Room 1.27
Telephone: 0331/977-1134
Fax: 0331/977-1605

Di + Do
9 - 12 & 13 - 15
Mi  9 – 12

homeoffice: Mo

American Studies
Prof. Dr. Nicole Waller
More staff information here.

English Language Education (Secondary School) / Didaktik der Anglistik und Amerikanistik mit dem Schwerpunkt interkulturelles Lernen
Prof. Dr. Britta Freitag-Hild
More staff information here.

Gesine Viebke
Room 1.04
Telephone: 0331/977-124494
Fax: 0331/977-1609

Caitlin Baitz

Di: 9 - 12

Mi: 10:30 - 13

Do: 10 - 13

Development and Variation of the English Language
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Wolf
More staff information here.

Present-Day English Language
Dr. Claudia Lehmann
More staff information here.


Katrin Friedrichs
Room 0.22
Telephone: 0331/977-1185
Fax: 0331/977-1609



9 - 12 & 13 - 15



Cultural Studies GB
Prof. Dr. Anja Schwarz
More staff information here.

English Language Education (Primary School)
Prof. Dr. Jana Roos
More staff information here.


Jana Krassa
Room 0.22
Telephone: 0331/977- 113190
Fax: 0331/977-1526

Mo + Di  9 - 12

English Language Education (Secondary School)/ Didaktik der englischen Sprache
Prof. Dr. Urška Grum
More staff information here.