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Long Essay

Edited Books

  • (with Andrew Hurley) Remembering German-Australian Colonial Entanglements. London: Routledge, 2020. Hb x + 153 pp. ISBN HB: 978-0-367-42159-5.
  • (with Anke Bartels, Nicole Waller and Dirk Wiemann) Postcolonial Justice. Cross/Cultures 191. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017. Hb xxx + 376pp. ISBN: 9789004335035; E-ISBN: 9789004335196. introduction preprint at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/10322
  • (with Anja Schwarz) Postcolonial Piracy: Media Distribution and Cultural Production in the Global South. Theory for a Global Age. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. xii + 300pp. ISBN HB: 978-1-4725-1942-9; ePDF: 978-1-4725-1944-3; ePub: 978-1-4725-1943-6. full text at: http://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/7218
  • (ed. Heike Hartmann, in cooperation with Lars Eckstein, Helmut Peitsch, Anja Schwarz [Potsdam University] and Steffen Krestin [Stadtmuseum Cottbus]) Der Australienforscher Ludwig Leichhardt: Spuren eines Verschollenen. Berlin: be.bra, 2013. 114 z.T. farb. Abb., Pb, 176pp. ISBN 978-3-95410-019-4.
  • (with Dirk Wiemann) The Politics of Passion: Reframing Affect and Emotion in Global Modernity. Transpekte/Transpects 7. New York: Lang, 2013. Hb. 233pp. ISBN: 978-3-631-60196-9. introduction preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85457
  • (with Christoph Reinfandt) Romanticism Today. Trier: WVT, 2009. Pb, 226 pp. ISBN: 978-3-86821-147-4.
  • (with Barbara Korte, Ulrike Pirker and Christoph Reinfandt) Multi-Ethnic Britain 2000+: New Perspectives in Literature, Film and the Arts. IFAVL 121. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi Press, 2008. Hb, v + 427 pp. ISBN: 978-90-420-2497-7.
  • English Literatures Across the Globe: A Companion. UTB 8345. Paderborn: Fink, 2007. Pb, 360pp. ISBN (Fink): 978-3-4252-9. ISBN (UTB): 978-3-8252-8345-2.

Edited Journal Issues

  • (with Lindsay Barrett, Andrew Hurley and Anja Schwarz) Remembering German-Australian Colonial Entanglements. Special Issue of Postcolonial Studies 21 (March 2018). Pb, 130 pp.
  • (with Dirk Wiemann) The White Backlash: Conservatisms in Contemporary British Writing. Special Issue of Hard Times 89.1 (2011). Pb, 47 pp. ISSN 0171-1695.
  • (with Christoph Reinfandt) The Cultural Validity of Music in Contemporary Fiction. Special Issue of ZAA 54.1 (2006). Pb, vi + 112pp. ISBN: 3826-03365-5.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  • "Plural Worlds: Decolonial Realism in Marlon James' The Book of Night Women (2009) and Alexis Wright's Carpenteria (2006)". Nadia Butt, Alexander Scherr and Ansgar Nünning, eds. The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations. Trier: WVT, 2023. 219 - 234.
  • "Hawaiki According to Tupaia: Glimpses of Knowing Home in Precolonial Remote Oceania". ZAA 71.1 (2023): 55-69. Full text at: www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/zaa-2023-2006/html
  • (with Dirk Wiemann) "Doing Minor Cosmopolitanisms in an Anti-Cosmopolitan World". Kylie Crane, Lucy Gasser, Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss and Anna von Rath, eds. The Minor on the Move: Doing Cosmopolitanisms. Münster: edition assemblage, 2021. 250-261.
  • “Reflections of Lusáni Cissé: Imperial Images and Sentient Critique”.  Katja Sarkowsky and Mark Stein, eds. Ideology in Postcolonial Texts and Context. Leiden and Boston: Brill 2020. 147-161. preprint at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/10319
  • (with Andrew W. Hurley) "German-Australian Colonial Entanglements: On German Settler Colonialism, the Wavering Interests of Exploration, Science, Mission and Migration, and the Contestations of Travelling Memory". Lars Eckstein and Andrew W. Hurley, eds. Remembering German-Australian Colonial Entanglements. London: Routledge, 2020.
  • (avec Anja Schwarz) "Vision d'une mer faite d'îles: la carte de Tupaia (1769-1770)". Trans. Henri Theureau. Bulletin de la Societé des Études Océaniennes (Polynésie orientale) 347 (Janvier / Avril 2019): 6-23.
  • “Lyrics als Paradigma einer anderen Moderne: M.I.A.s ‘Galang'”. Frieder von Ammon und Dirk von Petersdorff, eds. Lyrik/Lyrics: Songtexte als Gegenstand der Literturwissenschaft. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2019. 173-192.
  • (with Lindsay Barrett, Andrew Hurley and Anja Schwarz) “Remembering German Australian Colonial Entanglement: An Introduction”. Lindsay Barrett, Lars Eckstein, Andrew Hurley and Anja Schwarz, eds. Remembering German-Australian Colonial EntanglementsSpecial Issue of Postcolonial Studies 21 (March 2018): 1-5.Full text at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13688790.2018.1443671
  • “Recollecting Bones: The Remains of German-Australian Colonial Entanglements.” Lindsay Barrett, Lars Eckstein, Andrew Hurley and Anja Schwarz, eds. Remembering German-Australian Colonial Entanglements. Special Issue of Postcolonial Studies 21 (March 2018): 6-19. Full text at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13688790.2018.1435146
  • (with Helmut Peitsch and Anja Schwarz) “Spuren Robert Louis Stevensons in deutscher Literatur über Samoa.” Johannes Görbert und Thomas Schwarz, eds. Pazifikismus: Poetiken des Stillen Ozeans. Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann, 2017. 443-60.
  • (mit Dirk Wiemann) “Kleine Kosmopolitismen”. Roland Bernecker und Ronald Grätz, eds. Global Citizenship – Perspektiven einer Weltgemeinschaft. Göttingen: Steidel, 2017. 44-53. preprint at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/10326
    Transl.: (mit Dirk Wiemann) “Minor Cosmopolitanisms”. Roland Bernecker and Roland Grätz, eds. Global Citizenship: Perspectives of a World Community. Göttingen: Steidl, 2018.
  • (with Anke Bartels, Nicole Waller and Dirk Wiemann) “Postcolonial Justice: An Introduction”. Anke Bartels, Lars Eckstein, Nicole Waller and Dirk Wiemann, eds. Postcolonial Justice. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017. i-xxx. preprint at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/10322
  • “Sam Selvon, The Lonely Londoners (1956)”. Christoph Reinfandt, ed. Handbook of the English Novel of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries . Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. 268-87. preprint at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/10328
  • (mit Anja Schwarz und Helmut Peitsch) “Tupaias Karten, oder: Was ist Aufklärung in Postkolonialer Perspektive”. Aufklärung global – globale Aufklärungen. Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert 40.2 (2016): 175-190.
  • “Sound Matters: Postcolonial Critique for a Viral Age.” Atlantic Studies 12.3 (September 2016), 445-456. full text at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14788810.2016.1216222
  • (with Anja Schwarz) “Epistemic Crossroads in the Pacific World: Re-Thinking Oceanic Histories with Tupaia’s Map.” Frederike Offizier, Mark Priewe and Ariane Schröder, eds. Crossroads in American Studies: Transnational and Biocultural Encounters. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016. 49-72.
  • (with Christoph Reinfandt) “Luhmann in da Contact Zone: Toward a Postcolonial Critique of Sociological Systems Theory.” Martin Middeke and Christoph Reinfandt,  eds. Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 151-66. preprint at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/10329
  • “Postcolonial Piracy.” Kai Merten and Lucia Krämer, eds. Postcolonial Studies Meets Media Studies. Bielefeld: transcript, 2016. 161-178. preprint at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/10330
  • "Postcolonial Piracy." Adapted and reprinted in Radical Cut-Up: Nothing Is Original. Ed. Lukas Freireiss. Amsterdam: Sternberg Press, 2019. 187-210.
  • “Some Reflections on the Social Diagnostics of Music in a Viral Age.” Hard Times 97.1 (2015): 53-55.
  • “Maps Drawn on the Sand: Of Mimicry and Depropriation on Ludwig Leichhardt’s Second Australian Expedition.” Journal of Australian Studies 39.4 (2015), 512-588.  full text at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14443058.2015.1076024
  • (with Anja Schwarz) “Introduction: Toward a Postcolonial Critique of Modern Piracy.” Lars Eckstein and Anja Schwarz, eds. Postcolonial Piracy: Media Distribution and Cultural Production in the Global South. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. 1-25. full text at: http://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/7218
  • (with Christoph Reinfandt) “Luhmann in the Contact Zone: Zur Theorie einer transkulturellen Moderne.” Mario Grizelj und Daniela Kirschstein, eds. Riskante Kontakte.  Postkoloniale Theorien und Systemtheorie? Berlin: Kadmos, 2014. 107-24. full text at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85488
  • “Ludwig Leichhardt’s Forschungsreisen in Australien.” Heike Hartmann, ed., in cooperation with Lars Eckstein, Helmut Peitsch, Anja Schwarz (Potsdam University) and Steffen Krestin (Stadtmuseum Cottbus). Der Australienforscher Ludwig Leichhardt – Spuren eines Verschollenen. Berlin: be.bra, 2013. 65-77.
  • “Filming Illegals: Clandestine Translocation and the Representation of Bare Life.” Marga Munkelt, Markus Schmitz, Mark Stein, and Silke Stroh, eds. Postcolonial Translocations:Cultural Representation and Critical Spatial Thinking. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi Press, 2013. 353-368. preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85491
  • “Monk Lewis’s Timour the Tartar, Grand Romantic Orientalism and Imperial Melancholy.” Rüdiger Kunow and Stephan Mussil, eds. Text or Context: Reflections on Literary and Cultural Criticism. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2013. 113-28. preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85503
  • (with Dirk Wiemann) “Introduction: Towards a Cultural Politics of Passion.” Lars Eckstein and Dirk Wiemann, eds. The Politics of Passion: Reframing Affect and Emotion in Global Modernity. New York: Lang, 2013. 7-31. preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85457
  • “Politics of Passion and the Production of Human Illegality.” Lars Eckstein and Dirk Wiemann, eds. The Politics of Passion: Reframing Affect and Emotion in Global Modernity. New York: Lang, 2013. 218-230. preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85512
  • “Against an Ethics of Absolute Otherness, for Cross-Cultural Critique: A Response to Tammy Amiel-Houser.” Connotations 22.1 (2012-13): 125-36. full text at: http://www.connotations.de/pdf/articles/eckstein0221.pdf
  • (with Anja Schwarz) “Oceanic Modernity: Indigeneity, Globality and Cultural Translation.” Ottmar Ette and Gesine Müller, eds. Worldwide: Archipels de la mondalisation, Archipélagos de la globalizatión. Madrid and Frankfurt: Vervuert, 2012, 149-168.
  • “‘We’re destroyed if we mix. And we’re destroyed if we don’t’: Indigeneity in the Modern World System and the Politics of Tricksterese in Pauline Melville’s The Ventriloquist’s Tale.” Ottmar Ette, Anne Kraume, Werner Mackenbach and Gesine Müller, eds. El Caribe como paradigma: Convivencias y coincidencias históricales, culturales y estéticas. Berlin: Tranvia, 2012. 334-344. preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85529
  • “Karibikreisen um 1800 im Gedächtnis der Literatur.” Helmut Peitsch, ed. Reisen um 1800. München: Meidenbauer, 2012. 201-238.
  • “Spiel mit der Angst: Britischer Hip Hop nach 9/11.” Florian Niedlich, ed. Facetten der Popkultur: Über die ästhetische und politische Kraft des Populären. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012. 175-196
  • (with Lucia Krämer) “Introduction: Postcolonial Media Cultures.” Joachim Frenk and Lena Steveker, eds. Anglistentag 2010 Saarbrücken: Proceedings. Trier: WVT, 2011. 137-142.
  • “Saturday on Dover Beach: Ian McEwan, Mathew Arnold and Post-9/11 Melancholia.” Lars Eckstein and Dirk Wiemann, eds. The White Backlash: Conservatisms in Contemporary British Writing. Special Issue of Hard Times 89.1 (2011): 6-10. preprint at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/5716
  • “Think Local Sell Global: Magical Realism, The Whale Rider and the Market.” Rainer Emig and Oliver Lindner, eds. Commodifying (Post)Colonialism: Othering, Reification, Commodification and the New Literatures and Cultures in English. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi Press, 2010. 93-108. preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85537
  • “M.I.A.’s ‘Born Free’ and the Ambivalent Politics of Authenticity and Provocation.” Hard Times 88.2 (2010): 34-37. preprint at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/5718
  • “The Culture of Lyrics.” Anglistentag Klagenfurt 2009: Proceedings. Trier: WVT, 2010, 301-12.
  •  “Against the Grain: Shakespeare’s Caliban and the Exotic Imaginary in 18th- and 19th-Century British Painting.” Matthias Bauer and Angelika Zirker, eds. Drama and Cultural Change: Turning Around Shakespeare. Trier: WVT, 2009. 159-178.
    Transl.: “Gegen den Strich: Shakespeare’s Caliban und das exotische Imaginäre in der britischen Malerei des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts.” Cornelia Klettke und Ralf Pröve, eds. Brennpunkte kultureller Begegnungen auf dem Weg zu einem modernen Europa: Beiträge zur Identitätsfindung eines Kontinents. V&R Unipress 2011. 231-50.
  • “Transatlantic Slavery and the Literary Imagination.” Gohrisch, Jana, Bernd Lange und Irmgard Maassen, eds. Slavery and the British. Special issue of Hard Times 85.1 (2009): 34-38. preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85548
  • “Torpedoing the Authorship of Popular Music: A Reading of Gorillaz’ ‘Feel Good Inc’.” Popular Music 28.2 (2009): 239-255. full text at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/5713
  • (with Christoph Reinfandt) “The Adventures of William Bloke, or: Romanticism Today and How It Got Here.” Lars Eckstein and Christoph Reinfandt, eds. Romanticism Today. Trier: WVT, 2009. 7-17.
  • “‘Talking Without Speaking’ in Mike Nichols’s The Graduate: Some Reflections on the Rhetoric of Song Lyrics in Film Scores.” Patrick Burger, Martin Butler and Arvi Sepp, eds. Sound Fabrics: Studies on the Intermedial and Institutional Dimensions of Popular Music. Trier: WVT, 2009, 11-26.
  • “The Pitfalls of Picturing Atlantic Slavery: Steven Spielberg’s Amistad vs. Guy Deslauriers’s Middle Passage.” Cultural Studies Review 14.1 (2008): 72-84. full text at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/5734
  • (with Barbara Korte, Ulrike Pirker, Christoph Reinfandt) “A Divided Kingdom? Reflections on Multi-Ethnic Britain in the New Millennium.” Lars Eckstein, Barbara Korte, Ulrike Pirker and Christoph Reinfandt, eds. Multi-Ethnic Britain 2000+: New Perspectives in Literature, Film and the Arts. IFAVL 121. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi Press, 2008. 9-21.
  • (with Ellen Dengel-Janic) “Bridehood Revisited: Disarming Concepts of Gender and Culture in Recent Asian British Film.” Lars Eckstein, Barbara Korte, Ulrike Pirker and Christoph Reinfandt, eds. Multi-Ethnic Britain 2000+: New Perspectives in Literature, Film and the Arts. IFAVL 121. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi Press, 2008. 45-63. preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85555
  • (with Günter Leypoldt). “T.S. Eliot and the Transcultural Sublime.” Sabine Volk-Birke and Julia Lippert, eds. Anglistentag 2006 Halle: Proceedings. Trier: WVT, 2007. 249-58.
    Transl.: “T.S. Eliot und das Transkulturell-Erhabene.” Dorothee Kimmich und Schamma Schahadat, eds. Kulturen in Bewegung: Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis der Transkulturalität. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012. 261-78.
  • “Three Ways of Looking at Illegal Immigration: Clandestine Existence in Novels by Salman Rushdie, Christopher Hope and Caryl Phillips.” Gerhard Stilz, ed. Territorial Terrors: Contested Spaces in Colonial and Postcolonial Writing. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2007. 141-57. preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85567
  • “Introduction.” Lars Eckstein, ed. English Literatures Across the Globe: A Companion. UTB 8345. Paderborn: Fink, 2007. 13-19.
  • “A Love Supreme: Jazzthetic Strategies in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.African American Review 40.2 (Summer 2006): 271-83. full text at: https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/5717
  • Rpt. in Harold Bloom, ed. and intr. Toni Morrison’s Beloved. Bloom’s Modern Critical Interpretations. New York: Chelsea House, 2009. 133-150.
  • (with Christoph Reinfandt) “On Dancing about Architecture: Words and Music between Cultural Practice and Transcendence.” Lars Eckstein and Christoph Reinfandt, eds. The Cultural Validity of Music in Contemporary Fiction. Special Issue of ZAA 54.1 (2006): 1-8.
  • “Performing Jazz, Defying Essence: Music as a Metaphor of Being in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet.” Lars Eckstein and Christoph Reinfandt, eds. The Cultural Validity of Music in Contemporary Fiction. Special Issue of ZAA 54.1 (2006): 51-63. preprint at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85574
  • “Belonging in Music and the Music of Unbelonging in Richard Powers’s The Time of Our Singing.” Lilo Mössner and Christa M. Schmidt, eds. Anglistentag 2004 Aachen: Proceedings. Trier: WVT, 2005. 273-82.
  • “Ekphrastic Memory in David Dabydeen’s A Harlot’s Progress and the Politics of Aestheticist Transfiguration.” Judith Misrahi-Barak, ed. Revisiting Slave Narratives. Montpellier: Les Carnets du Cerpac n° 2, 2005. 327-48.
  • (with Christoph Reinfandt) “The Parody of ‘Parody as Cultural Memory’ in Richard Powers’ Galatea 2.2: A Response to Anca Rosu.” Connotations: A Journal of Critical Debate 13.1-2 (2003/2004): 93-102.
  • “Dialogism in Caryl Phillips’s Cambridge, or the Democratisation of Cultural Memory.” World Literature Written in English 39.1 (2001): 54-74.
  • “The Insistence of Voices: An Interview with Caryl Phillips.” ARIEL 32.2 (April 2001): 33-43.
  • “Getting Back to the Idea of Art as Art – An Interview with David Dabydeen.” World Literature Written in English 39.1 (2001): 27-36.
  • Rpt. In: Lynne Macedo, ed. Pak’s Britannica: Articles by and Interviews with David Dabydeen. Jamaika: U of the West Indies P, 2011. 163-72.

Reviews and Review Essays

  • Denise Varney, Peter Eckersall, Chris Hudson and Barbara Hatley. Theatre and Performance in the Asia-Pacific: Regional Modernities in the Global Era. In: Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 3.1 (2015): 202-07.
  • “Some Reflections on Entangled Knowledge and Decolonisation.” Review of Klaus Hock and Gesa Mackenthun, eds. Entangled Knowledge: Scientific Discourses and Cultural Difference. In: Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 65.3 (2013): 283-88.
  • Ben Carrington. Race, Sport and Politics: The Sporting Black Diaspora. In: Journal for the Study of British Cultures 18.1 (2011): 83-85.
  • Vanessa Agnew. Enlightenment Orpheus: The Power of Music in Other Worlds. In Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 63.2 (2011): 191-93.
  • Astrid Erll and Ann Rigney, eds. Mediation, Remediation and the Dynamics of Cultural Memory. In Anglia 128 (2010), 172-75.
  • Gabriele Rippl. Beschreibungs-Kunst: Zur intermedialen Poetik angloamerikanischer Ikontexte (1880-2000). In Anglia 125.3 (2007): 561-63.
  • Erik Alder and Dietmar Hauck. Music and Literature: Music in the Works of Anthony Burgess and E.M. Forster – An Interdisciplinary Study. In Anglia 124.3 (2006): 538-41.
  • Astrid Erll, Marion Gymnich und Ansgar Nünning, eds. Literatur – Erinnerung – Identität. In ZAA 52.3 (2004): 309-11.
  • Tobias Döring. Caribbean – English Passages: Intertextuality in a Postcolonial Tradition. In ZAA 51.3 (2003): 339-41.
  • Bénédicte Ledent. Caryl Phillips. In ZAA 51.1 (2003): 106-08.