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Marta Lupica Spagnolo, Dr.

Foto von MLS
Photo: Valerie Hekkel

Am Neuen Palais 10

Haus 19, Raum 4.04

14469 Potsdam

Tel. +49 331 977 4208

Email : lupica -at-



Foto von MLS
Photo: Valerie Hekkel

 Course/s offered in current semester

Office hours: Tuesday 2-3 p.m.  (please send me an email to organise a video call slot)

Research interests

Sociolinguistics of migration and multilingualism

Corpus linguistics and narrative analysis

Semantics and pragmatics of adverbials


Language planning and nation building

Italian in Transit: Italian-based multilingual practices acquired on the move

 Course/s offered in current semester

Office hours: Tuesday 2-3 p.m.  (please send me an email to organise a video call slot)


Academic positions



Talks and posters (selection)

Co-organized events (University of Potsdam)