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Innovative instruments for managing risk of pluvial floods in urban areas

Starkregenereignis im Juli 2021 führte zu Überflutungen im Würzburger Süden
Photo: Moritz Reininger / Stadt Würzburg
Heavy rain event in July 2021 led to flooding in the South of Würzburg

Project promoter:

BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)

Fördermaßnahme WaX (Extreme water events)

Bundesprogramm Wasser:N, BMBF-Strategy Research for Sustainability


04/2022 – 03/2025

Project description:

Pluvial flood risk in urban areas is omnipresent in Germany. Usually, these events are triggered by short-term extreme convective precipitation exceeding the local infiltrationcapacity. Sealed surfaces and the drainage infrastructure facilitate the focused surface runoff leading to floods.

Integral pluvial flood risk management combines quantitative high-resolution hazard and vulnerability analysis, model-based prediction and early warning, targeted risk communication and structural measures. However, the implementation of this concept remains difficult. This is mainly due to the lack of efficient, scalable and transferable tools as well as missing synergies and interfaces between the different components of pluvial flood risk management.

„Inno_MAUS“ aims for the development, provision and integration of innovative digital tools to manage urban pluvial flood risk. These tools are to be applicable for early warning as well as for planning and precautionary measures. The implementation of the tools will be demonstrated for the cities of Würzbug and Berlin.


Partner Institutions:

  • Universität Potsdam
    • Lehrstuhl Hydrologie und Klimatologie (AG Bronstert, AG Heistermann)
    • Lehrstuhl Geographie und Naturrisikenforschung (AG Thieken)
  • TU München
    • Lehrstuhl Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft (AG Rüther)
    • Lehrstuhl Datenwissenschaft in der Erdbeobachtung (AG Zhu)
  • KISTERS AG, Aachen
  • Orbica UG, Berlin

Associated Partners:

  • Bayrisches Landesamt für Umwelt
  • Berliner Wasserbetriebe
  • Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Mobilität, Verbraucher- und Klimaschutz Berlin
  • Stadt Würzburg, Umwelt- und Klimareferat
Starkregenereignis im Juli 2021 führte zu Überflutungen im Würzburger Süden
Photo: Moritz Reininger / Stadt Würzburg
Heavy rain event in July 2021 led to flooding in the South of Würzburg