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Project B01

Surface engineering of plasmonic nanoparticles by the selective cleavage of functional linkers – a pathway towards nanoparticles with functional patches

Principal investigators: Alexander Böker, Ilko Bald

This project aims at the generation of functional nanoregions (patches) at nanoparticulate surfaces via the plasmonic cleavage of molecular linkers. During this project, functional linkers will be synthesized, their cleavage process and mechanism will be investigated, the generated patch will be characterised, and the process to prepare functionalized particles in (extended) batches will be optimized.

Position 1 (ID no. CRC1636B01-1/2023; Prof. Alexander Böker, University of Potsdam):


Preparation of functional linkers, coupling to plasmonic nanoparticles, investigation of patchy particles, synthesis of polymers, setting up a plasmonic reactor


Excellent Master's degree in chemistry or similar at the time of project start. The candidate should have a strong background in organic chemistry, optical spectroscopy and preparation of metal nanoparticles. Expertise in polymer chemistry, plasmonic chemistry and/or spectroscopic characterization techniques will be advantageous. The candidate should be open-minded, communicative and keen to work in an interdisciplinary group of scientists.

Position 2 (ID no. CRC1636B01-2/2023; Prof. Ilko Bald, University of Potsdam):


Kinetic studies of plasmon-induced bond cleavage using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), characterization of a plasmonic reactor based on nano- and microparticles, spectroelectrochemical characterization.


Excellent Master's degree in chemistry, chysics or similar at the time of project start. The candidate should have a strong background in physical chemistry, optical spectroscopy and preparation of metal nanoparticles. Expertise in SERS, plasmonic chemistry and/or (spectro)electrochemistry will be advantageous. The candidate should be open-minded, communicative and keen to work in an interdisciplinary group of scientists.