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Project A07

Light-induced atomic-scale surface reactivity

Principal investigators: Regina Hoffmann-Vogel, Tillmann Klamroth

This project aims at linking the atomic-scale spatial resolution of scanning force microscopy with the time-resolution of pulsed laser light and to combine both with theoretical simulations, in order to understand the influence of heat, electric fields and hot charge carriers produced by laser pulses on chemical reactivity at metal surfaces. The project will work towards the understanding of the dehydrogenation of polyanthrylene on Au(111) with pulsed laser light, which is known to be induced either by surface heating or STM-injected charge carriers. 

Position 1 (ID no. CRC1636A07-1/2023; Prof. Regina Hoffmann-Vogel, University of Potsdam):


Implementation of time-resolved laser excitation into the ultra-high vacuum (UHV) scanning force microscope, general investigation of the method and application to the dehydrogenation reaction of molecular oligomers to form graphene nanoribbons.


Master's or PhD degree in physics, chemistry or a related discipline at project starting time. Very good communication skills for working in an interdisciplinary context. Ideal candidates have a background in UHV scanning probe microscopy studies as well as time-resolved optical methods.